Germany Quiz — Test your knowledge!

Level one: Welcome! (1 point each)

1. Germans call their own country:
a. Deutshland b. Deutschland c. Dutchland

2. When was Germany (West and East) reunited?
a. 1989 b. 1949 c. 1990

3. What is the capital of Germany?
a. Bonn b. Berlin c. Frankfurt

4. How many states are there in Germany?
a. 16 b. 11 c. 5

5. Which greeting is incorrect?
a. Guten Morgen b. Guten Nachmittag c. Guten Abend

6. How can you say “good bye”?
a. Tschüss! b. Auf Wiedersehen! c. Servus!

Your score: _________________/6

Level two: Getting settled in (2 points each)

7. Which river flows the longest distance through Germany?
a. Donau (Danube) b. Elbe c. Rhein

8. What is the highest mountain in Germany?
a. Matterhorn b. Mont Blanc c. Zugspitze

9. Which is the smallest state in Germany?
a. Berlin b. Bremen c. Hamburg

10. Which state has the highest population?
a. Bayern (Bavaria) b. Rheinland-Pfalz c. Nordrhein-Westfalen

11. What is Germany’s current population?
a. 82,000,000 b. 84,000,000 c. 86,000,000

12. Which city is located furthest from Kaiserslautern?
a. Frankfurt/Main b. Frankfurt/Oder c. Frankfurt/Rhein

Your score: __________________/12

Level three: Getting to feel at home (3 points each)

13. Which is the largest group of foreigners in Germany?
a. Syrians b. Turks c. Ukrainians

14. How many Americans (military and civilians) reside in Germany?

a. about 100,000 b. about 150,000 c. about 55,000

15. Which is the northern most city in Germany?
a. Flensburg b. Glücksburg c. Hamburg

16. Trier is considered to be the oldest city in Germany. When was it founded and by whom?
a. Celts 3,000 yrs ago b. Romans 2,000 yrs ago c. Germans 4,000 yrs ago

17. Which is the largest enclosed body of water in Germany?
a. Bodensee b. Starnberger See c. Ostsee

18. How long is the longest long distance hiking trail in Germany?
a. 2,282 km b. 3,382 km c. 1,282 km

Your score:_____________/18

Level four: Almost a German! (4 points each)

19. How many times could you put Germany into the state of Alaska?

a. 4.82 b. 3.95 c. 5.36

20. Where can you find the largest community of Japanese in Germany?
a. Berlin b. Hamburg c. Düsseldorf

21. Which state does not have an international border?
a. Rheinland-Pfalz b. Bayern (Bavaria) c. Hessen

22. The outside border of Germany is 3,714 km long. Biking at an average stretch of 50 km per day, how long would it take you to bike around Germany?
b. 123 days b. never c. 74 days

Your score: ___________________/16

Your total score: ___________________/52

45-52 Points: Fantastic! You’re just about a real German by now!

30-44 Points: Great job! You’re already familiar with a lot of facts and are well settled in, but there is much more to discover and learn.

Under 30: Welcome to Germany! Germany is an exciting country. If you’re interested in finding out more about the country you live in, check out our series “State of the Art” in 2023 and discover Germany on a “road trip’.



Answer key

b. Deutschland, a and c are misspelled

c. 1990, 1989 the Berlin Wall fell, 1949 formation of West and East Germany

b. Berlin since 1990, Bonn was provisional until reunification, Frankfurt from 1815-1866

a. 16 states, 5 were in East Germany, 11 in West Germany and combined in 1990

b. Guten Nachmittag does not exist

a., b., c. – all three are correct!

c. Rhein, its total length is 1,233 km, but only 865 km flow through Germany

c. Zugspitze at 2,962 m, Matterhorn 4,478 m is in Switzerland, Mont Blanc 4,809 m is in France

b. City State Bremen, City State Berlin is the largest city state, followed by Hamburg

c. Nordrhein-Westfalen with 17.9 million, followed by Bayern with 13.1 million

b. 84,000,000 according to a statistic in June 2022, including immigrants/refugees

b. Frankfurt/Oder is located in the very East, Frankfurt/Rhein does not exist

c. Ukrainians with 1.2 million, most of them came in 2022, followed by 800,000 Syrians

a. 100,000 Americans, military and civilians, e.g. working for German companies

b. Glücksburg, the small town with 6,500 inhabitants is about 2 km further north of Flensburg

a. Trier was first settled by the Celtic tribe “Treveri” about 3,000 years ago, Romans overtook the settlement about 10 B.C.

a. Bodensee (Lake Constance), Starnberger See is one of the smaller lakes, Ostsee (Baltic Sea) is not a lake

b. 3,382 called Nord-Süd Trail

a. 4.82 times. Alaska is 1,723,000 km2, Germany is 357,022 km2

c. Düsseldorf, in the 1990s a number of Japanese companies (IT, printers, computers) settled there and brought about a Japanese population of 20,000.

c. Hessen is located in the middle of the country and does not have any foreign borders.

b. It is impossible to bike around Germany along the complete border. The border between Germany and Switzerland is in the middle of Lake Constance (you would have to swim with your bike) and a part of the border to Austria is in the Alps (you would have to mountain climb 2,900 m and higher).