Kaiserslautern employee recounts 50 years of service

by Christine June

USAG Kaiserslautern

Robert Campbell was drafted in the U.S. Army on May 3, 1957, and 52 years later, he is still serving his country.

He was one of 60 employees honored for their length of service Dec. 16 at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s awards ceremony at the Kaiserslautern Community Activity Center on Daenner Kaserne.

Mr. Campbell, who works with the garrison’s Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Directorate, was the only recipient for the 50-Year Length of Service Award, which was given to those with service of five to 50 years.

“Our awardees honored today have given 1,160 years of service,” said the USAGK Commander Lt. Col. Kevin Hutchison, during his speech to more than 200 attendees. “Imagine all the contributions they have made and advancements they helped to realize during their time.”

Putting these employees’ contribution into perceptive, Colonel Hutchison cited worldwide events that occurred just two years after Mr. Campbell started serving in the Army as an automotive mechanic:

• Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union, becoming the 49th and 50th states.

• Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba creating  the first communist country in the West.

• Mattel’s Barbie doll was launched.

• The U.S. Grammy Music Awards started.

Every time the commander listed these and other major events, Mr. Campbell leaned over to his wife of 48 years, Helga, and said, “Yes, that’s right,” in a tone of amazement that also seemed to fall over the audience.

“I was born and raised on a farm in New York State, but the state wasn’t big enough to hold me so I was drafted,” said the Vietnam veteran. “I have been in the Army ever since 1957.”

While Elvis Presley was still in the Army, Mr. Campbell attended boot camp at Fort Benning, Ga., before attending automotive training at Fort Jackson, S.C. Most of his 27-year Army career was spent in Germany, and he  also completed a tour in Vietnam.

For his “whole career,” he was an Army automotive mechanic. He retired from the Army in 1984.

“I would’ve stayed longer (in the Army), but I had both of my hips replaced,” he said. “I’ve really enjoyed my government career – I’m going to keep going as long as I can.”

He met his wife in Germany in 1958, and they were married in 1961. They have twin 47-year-old daughters and a 35-year-old son.

Showing emotion in her eyes and voice, Mrs. Campbell said, “I’m glad I was here. (The award ceremony) was very nice and relaxing, you know, not stiff at all.”

Employees of the quarter and certificate of merit for safety were also awarded at the ceremony. Entertainment was provided by the Kaiserslautern High School Jazz band.