A little support goes a long way

by Kyle Werstein
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

The Ramstein Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas, part of the world’s largest workplace charitable giving program, kicked off Oct. 2 and will run until Dec. 3.
CFC-O is the world’s most successful workplace charity program and raises millions of dollars each year for non-profit organizations around the world.

Also, one in four federal employees will be helped by one of the nearly 2,000 charitable organizations supported by CFC-O, according to the federal Human Resources Agency.

CFC-O is unique in that it gives personnel an opportunity to support Airman & Family Readiness Centers and youth programs right at their own installations. One hundred percent of funds donated for FSYP go directly to the community, according to the CFC-O Web site.

“I think it’s important to donate to the CFC because what goes around comes around,” said Tech. Sgt. Melanie Herriges, 435th Air Base Wing command chief executive. “One day someone in my family might need it. I always try to donate to the less fortunate.”

And for those who struggle with no time to give back to others through volunteer service, the CFC-O offers a simple way to make a difference. There are several ways to donate to the campaign. Federal employees can choose to pay by allotments from their paychecks, make a one-time cash or check donation or go online and make a credit card donation.

Many servicemembers have donated every year and plan on giving this year.
“I donate money every year through the CFC,” said Senior Master Sgt. Norma Uludag, 435th Communications Squadron plans and resources superintendent, adding that she picks a particular organization because “it is comforting to know that there is an organization out there for children with illnesses.”

Founded in the early 1960s, the CFC’s overall mission is to support and to promote philanthropy through a voluntary program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.

In 2007, federal employees raised more than $273 million for charitable causes around the world, according to the CFC-O Web site.

But it doesn’t require a huge check to make a difference, even the smallest donation helps – $2 per month can buy a winter sleeping bag for a homeless child, $8 per month supplies a doctor with one surgical kit to assist earthquake victims, $9 per month helps rebuild a war-torn country, and $10 per month feeds a child for 30 days.

See your unit CFC-O representative or visit the CFC-O Web site, www.cfcoverseas.org, for more information or to make a donation.