AF Assistance Fund campaign begins Monday

This year’s Air Force Assistance Fund “Commitment to Caring”,  from Monday to May 5, will provide Airmen the opportunity to contribute to any of the four official Air Force charitable organizations.

Now in its 33rd year, 100-percent of designated AFAF contributions will benefit active duty, Reserve, Guard, retired Air Force members, surviving spouses and families. Last year, Airmen exceeded the campaign goal, contributing more than $7.3 million.

Airmen need to look no further than the aftermath of the hurricanes that devastated portions of the southern United States to understand the benefit the fund provides the Air Force community.
Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley addressed this recently in a joint memorandum for the Air Force Assistance Fund:

“Last year, hurricanes Katrina and Rita vividly demonstrated the need for rapid and reliable emergency assistance.  Our four AFAF charities – the Air Force Aid Society, Air Force Enlisted Village Indigent Widows’ Fund, Air Force Village Indigent Widows’ Fund and the General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation – provided immediate financial and housing assistance to our active duty, Reserve, Air National Guard and retired Air Force members. This was in addition to their normal ongoing assistance with the hardships of deployments, accidents, illness, aging and death.”

People can contribute through cash, check, money order or payroll deduction to:
-The Air Force Aid Society provides Airmen and their families with worldwide emergency financial assistance, education assistance and an array of base-level community-enhancement programs. Base family support centers have details on programs and eligibility requirements. Information is also available online at
-The Air Force Enlisted Village Indigent Widow’s Fund in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., near Eglin Air Force Base provides rent subsidy and other support to indigent widows and widowers of retired enlisted people 55 and older. More information is available at
-The Air Force Village Indigent Widow’s Fund in San Antonio, is a life-care community for retired officers, spouses, widows or widowers and family members. The Air Force Village Web site is
-The General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation provides rent and financial assistance to indigent widows and widowers of officers and enlisted people in their own homes and communities. The LeMay Foundation Web site is

Contributions to the AFAF are tax deductible. For more information, visit  or  the Air Force Personnel Center’s Voting and Fundraising Web site at

Installation project officers have information on local procedures and goals. (Courtesy of Air Force Personnel Center news service)

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