AF offers Traumatic Injury Protection Insurance 

The Air Force offers Traumatic Injury Protection Insurance, which is intended to provide qualifying injured Airmen with an immediate source of income. TSGLI coverage is a tax-free lump sum payment ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 depending on the extent of the injury. Members insured under the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance policy are automatically covered.

The coverage includes a retroactive provision for Airmen who suffered a qualifying loss as a direct result of injuries incurred in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom from Oct. 7, 2001 through Nov. 30, 2005. Enrollment in SGLI is not a requirement to receive the retroactive TSGLI benefits.

The Ramstein casualty assistance representative, Master Sgt. Dave Lingo, is the primary point of contact for assisting potentially eligible members with Traumatic Injury Protection Insurance applications in coordination with the base military treatment facility.

Certification forms for TSGLI benefits are available at the Military Personnel Flight and should be submitted at the earliest opportunity.

For more information, contact Sergeant Lingo at 480-5759. For questions regarding eligibility or processing requirements for retroactive TSGLI benefits, contact the casualty assistance representative or call the Air Force Personnel Center casualty services branch at 665-3505 or 800-433-0048. (Courtesy of the 435th Mission Support Squadron)