AF postal unit stands down as Army stands up

by Yvonne Radloff and Tech. Sgt. Mark Greene
2d Air Postal Squadron

Control of the 2d Air Postal Squadron’s Detachment 6 in Brussels was recently transferred to the U.S. Army’s Theater Area Postal Operations Division, 1st Personnel Command.

According to Lt. Col. Mitchell Maddox, 2d Air Postal Squadron commander, the mission transfer was necessary based on other service support the Army provides today in Brussels.

Carlton Bailey, chief of Det. 6, transferred operational control of the postal mission to Army Postmaster Patrick May during the small ceremony March 17 at the U.S. Army Garrison in Brussels.

***image1***“The transition to an Army APO was seamless and there was no disruption in service to the community,” said Mr. May. “This transformation could not have taken place without the cooperation and support of the Air Force personnel stationed here.”

The Air Force provided more than 40 years of mail support to the Brussels community and other worldwide locations by establishing an aerial mail terminal at the Zaventem International Airport and a full service military post office. Today, only the MPO remains with mail arriving daily by truck from Frankfurt.

Over the years, the Air Force faced numerous changes and challenges and participated in many ceremonial events. One special ceremony occurred Oct. 13, 1999 when the U.S. Postal Service, with the assistance of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, presented the first day of issue of the NATO “Fifty Years” commemorative postage stamp. The stamp design symbolizes the strength of the organization, the fragility of peace and hope for the future.

“It has been a pleasure working here and it is somewhat sad to leave, but we are going in the right direction with this changing of the guard,” said Mr. Bailey. “We leave the mission in capable hands.”

Mr. May said that since the change of leadership has taken place, the commitment to providing first-class service has not changed.

“Now that the Air Force postal chapter has closed in Brussels, the Army is determined to continue to provide outstanding service to the community,” he said.