AFAF video contest submissions due Tuesday

by Eric M. Grill
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas ― Air Force Assistance Fund officials reminded USAF videographers and YouTube fans that submissions for the AFAF 2012 fundraising campaign online video are due Tuesday.

The video contest was extended to allow participants more time to complete their video entries. The winning video in each category will be featured on the AFAF YouTube page and played at the ninth annual Air Force Charity Ball in Springfield, Va., March 24. The AFAF will also name a 2012 Air Force Aid Society educational grant after the winning teams in recognition of their efforts.

“Anybody can submit a video entry, and we encourage everyone who is interested to participate,” said William D’Avanzo, Air Force voting action officer and fundraising chief.

D’Avanzo said he hopes the video contest will motivate Airmen and their families to get more involved in the AFAF campaign.

Video contest rules and guidelines include:
• Videos must be about one or all of the AFAF affiliate charities, the campaign itself, or testimonials on how one of the charities helped an individual or family.

• The videos may be humorous, serious, informational or educational.

• Participation eligibility and number of video teams from each base is unlimited.

• Each person or team may submit one video in each of the two categories: 29 seconds and 59 seconds.

• The video must be posted to a YouTube channel and the video link e-mailed to no later than Tuesday. The e-mail must be digitally signed from an account, and must contain this statement: “All persons appearing in the video have given permission to be videotaped and for the video to be publicly displayed on YouTube.”

Winning videos will be announced on the AFAF YouTube channel and through public affairs channels beginning Feb. 6.

For details on the AFAF’s affiliate charities, visit

(Tech. Sgt. Steve Grever contributed to this story)