Ramstein’s 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Individual Equipment Element put Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century to work on reducing unnecessary expenditures.
The AFSO21 program is a tool for the Air Force to improve on its processes and increase global readiness. To improve distribution of necessary equipment to deployers and first term Airmen, the IEE and procedures in place were reworked.
“IEE needed a reduction in redundancies,” said Senior Master Sgt. Michael Latimer, 86th LRS chief of materiel management flight. “We are enacting a system where our customer service handles equipment requests and provides improved accountability of gear issued.”
Having unit deployment managers purchasing equipment on government purchase was an issue the IEE faced, alongside excessive spending.
“I can see a definite cut back on spending after eliminating excess issuing of gear already in possession of a deployer,” said Master Sgt. Kimberly Waters, NCOIC of customer service. “We would issue gear that the deployer already had in operational condition. It was unnecessary and we aim to put an end to that.”
Previously, the issuing system in place had the IEE issuing a set number of equipment every time an Airman deployed. If that Airman deployed frequently and required a gear issue they would be given a predetermined amount of gear, even if they already possessed the same functional piece.
It’s not uncommon to have a closet full of gear that was issued but never used, Latimer said.
“This will allow better accountability of gear we have issued and gear that needs replacing,” said Staff Sgt. Jocoby Jenkins, 86th LRS IEE NCOIC. “The IEE shop will actually be closed down and reorganized for customer service to take over, continue better accountability and hopefully prevent UDMs from having to purchase equipment on a GPC.”
The five key goals of this AFSO21 program were to increase productivity of the people, increase critical equipment availability rates, improve response time and agility, sustain safe and reliable operations, and improve energy efficiency.
The 86th LRS IEE can be contacted at 480-2449 during duty hours and at 478-9080 after duty hours.