AHRN ends as official housing website

by Senior Airman Hailey Haux
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

When PCSing, people generally use the Automated Housing Referral Network website to find the next place to call home.

As of Dec. 31, this website will no longer be the official site used for finding a place to live in the KMC.

AHRN.com has listings from anywhere in the world and will still be available for service members to utilize.

“The site still will be available, however, the listings on it won’t be approved by the housing office,” said Beth Cruz, Vogelweh Housing Office deputy director. “It will be more like the ads you find in local papers.”

Although the AHRN site will no longer be the official site for military members to find their homes, there are other avenues people can use to find a place.

“We plan on using SharePoint for listings,” said Christine Lukas, Vogelweh Housing Office referral section lead. “That is where we will post all of our approved housing lists.”

People can take a look through the papers, AHRN.com or any other local sources, but to get the official list of approved houses, SharePoint is the way to go.

For more information, contact the housing office at 489-6659 or 0631-536-6659, or email 86ces.cehhousingoffice@us.af.mil.

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