Airman devotes life to service

by Senior Airman Hailey Haux
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Photo by Airman Dymekre AllenPeter Karpawitz-Godt, AAFES clothing issue military management clerk, was 27 years old when he joined the Air Force but had been introduced to the military at a young age.
Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen
Peter Karpawitz-Godt, AAFES clothing issue military management clerk, was 27 years old when he joined the Air Force but had been introduced to the military at a young age.

Long before he could fit into combat boots or even speak English, Peter Karpawitz-Godt was becoming familiar with military life.

Born in the most northern town in Germany, Karpawitz-Godt was raised the son of a German police officer in the midst of World War II.

After moving to Kassel, a major German city, Karpawitz-Godt said it was natural for them to get bombed quite a bit.

Photo by Airman Dymekre AllenPeter Karpawitz-Godt, AAFES clothing issue military management clerk, looks at his basic military training photograph and reminisces about the  past March 18 on Ramstein.
Photo by Airman Dymekre Allen
Peter Karpawitz-Godt, AAFES clothing issue military management clerk, looks at his basic military training photograph and reminisces about the past March 18 on Ramstein.

“I was 7 years old when a 250-pound bomb landed in our backyard,” he said. “It didn’t explode, otherwise I wouldn’t be here right now. My dad unscrewed the fuse later on and cut it out.”

After the war, Karpawitz-Godt’s father received letters from old friends who lived in the United States asking if one of his sons would like to come to America.

“I was kind of adventurous so I said, ‘I’ll go,’” Karpawitz-Godt said. “I went to Youngstown, Ohio, in 1955, because that’s where (my father’s) friends lived.”

Although he went to America to go to school, Karpawitz-Godt had to register for the draft at the time. Even though he wasn’t a citizen, getting drafted was still a possibility.

“One day I got a card that said, ‘Greetings from the Army,’” Karpawitz-Godt said. “I thought, ‘I don’t know anybody in the Army. Who would write me a letter from the Army?’ My friend informed me that I was drafted.”

Instead of waiting for the draft, Karpawitz-Godt decided to go visit the Air Force recruiting office after the Korean War armistice was signed.

It was in March 1956, at age 27, when he became an Airman in the U.S. Air Force.

After training to be a supply Airman, he was stationed with the 48th Fighter Bomber Wing in France. It was there he met his future wife, something that would have never been possible without the military.

“At first she didn’t like me at all, because I was a German guy who was fighting against them,” Karpawitz-Godt said. “Later on, she ended up becoming my wife. We are still married to this day and celebrated our 50th anniversary a couple years ago.”

Karpawitz-Godt and his wife moved around while in the Air Force and eventually ended in California where he was a munitions maintenance Airman.

“I was responsible for the munitions records during the Cuban (Missile) Crisis and wasn’t allowed to leave the base during that time,” Karpawitz-Godt said. “We slept on field cots next to the safe in case we had to open it in a split second. Once the Cuban (Missile) Crisis was over, we were released and I got orders for Ramstein Air Base.”

While serving in his home country, he found out it was his turn to go to war. Karpawitz-Godt was sent to the war in Vietnam, where he was responsible for ensuring all aircraft in the Southeast Asian theater were equipped with all the necessary supplies.

After serving in Vietnam, Karpawitz-Godt was transferred back to Ramstein in 1974 as the Defense Logistics Agency’s chief of defense reutilization and marketing office.

He was transferred to several different squadrons and offices during his time at Ramstein until March 31, 1984, when he retired on the flightline. Since then, Karpawitz-Godt continued to work for the Air Force as a clothing issue management clerk, because he loves to meet new people through the military, he said.

“The camaraderie, sticking together and being a team is huge. Nothing is more important than sticking together,” Karpawitz-Godt said. “That’s why I am still around the military; I enjoy meeting these young people. It keeps me young.”

Being in and around the military for more than 50 years, achieving two Bronze Stars, a U.S. citizenship and much more, the passionate Vietnam veteran enjoys mentoring today’s Airmen.

“Be patient, because things take time and there might not be openings for what you want, but eventually there will be,” Karpawitz-Godt said. “If you are persistent enough and continue on that path, don’t lose focus on what you want to do and what you want to be. That is most important.”

As for Karpawitz-Godt’s future, he wants to move to California next year where he can stay home to take care of his wife. He will, however, still be in touch with his military family because he plans to move to the Enlisted Village.

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