Brig. Gen. Thomas Sharpy, director of plans, programs and analyses for Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa, greets members of the Romanian air force as they arrive June 28 at Ramstein. Members of the Romanian air force came here to meet with Airmen and exchange ideas for training and to continue to build upon the relationship between Romania and the U.S. Air Force.
The Romanian air force deputy chief of staff visited various units June 28 on Ramstein to learn about missile defense, combat airlift and the development of Air Force NCOs with an emphasis on safety.
Maj. Gen. Niculae Tabarcia and approximately 15 other members of the Romanian air force got a taste of Ramstein’s daily capabilities as they visited the 603rd Air and Space Operations Center, the aerial port, the 435th Contingency Response Group and the NCO professional military education schools.
“This was a great opportunity for us to enhance the already strong cooperative relationship between USAFE (U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa) and the Romanian air force,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Sharpy, director of plans, programs and analyses for USAFE-AFAFRICA.
While at the 603rd AOC, Tabarcia received key briefings on the roles of missile defense, which foreshadowed the possibility of future Romanian and U.S. Air Force training on the subject.
The Romanian air force members were also interested in the capability and execution of Ramstein’s mobility fleet.
“The Romanians already had the basic knowledge in standing up a rapid deployment mobility squadron, so their questions were a little more advanced than I expected,” said Tech. Sgt. Carnard Drayton, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing mobile aerial port flight supervisor. “They were very eager to learn.”
One of the last stops during the visit was at the First Term Airman Center to congratulate Ramstein Airmen in taking their first steps of professional development following technical training.
Airman 1st Class Anthony Gonzalez from the 24th Intelligence Squadron said he was caught off guard when the chief enlisted member of the Romanian air force, Chief Master Sgt. Daniel Narcis Simpetru, walked in the classroom.
“The chief master sergeant wanted our inputs and how we see leadership,” Gonzalez said. “We talked about education and how we use training to help better ourselves as enlisted Airmen.”