Having a baby is an exciting time in the life of a young family. If your child is born in Germany, then there are a number of steps to keep in mind to ensure proper documentation and for the application of a passport.
The Registry Office (Standes-amt) in Landstuhl is responsible for documenting births and issuing German and international birth certificates for babies born in Landstuhl.
Documents can be sent beforehand per email standesamt@landstuhl.de, stating your telephone number and the number of desired birth certificates, and to arrange an appointment.
You can receive German and/or international certificates and if the child is born in the German hospital, you will require a copy of the birth register in order to apply for a passport for the child.
Contact data at the Registry Office Landstuhl:
- Tel. 06371/83-123 Herr Marnet
- Tel. 06371/83-223 Frau Herbst
- Tel. 06371/83-422 Frau Thum
- Tel. 06371/83-429 Frau Grün
- Tel. 06371/83-121 Frau Gmeinwieser
In addition, all offices at the Union Community Landstuhl administration are open for business.
Please make sure to arrange an appointment to avoid long waiting periods.
Verbandsgemeinde-verwaltung Landstuhl (General administration, traffic tickets)
Kaiserstraße 49
66849 Landstuhl
Tel. 06371/83-0
Standesamt Landstuhl (Registry Office)
Kirchenstraße 41
66949 Landstuhl
Tel. 06371/83-123, 83-422, 83-121, 83-223, 83-429
Verbandsgemeindewerke (City Works –water/waste water, gas, meter readings, final bill)
Bahnstraße 80
66849 Landstuhl
Tel. 06371/83-0
The following documents are needed after birth:
- AE Reg 40-400b – Documentation of a delivery at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
- If the child was born in the German Nardiniklinikum St. Johannis, the registry automatically receives a birth announcement
- Birth certificates of both parents
- Marriage certificate for married couples
- Paternity acknowledgement for unmarried couples and, if available, a declaration of parental care
- Passports of both parents
For different family names and/or different nationalities, we require a declaration regarding the (last) name of the child. The form can be requested at the Standesamt
The according form was/will be handed out to you at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center and Nardiniklinikum St. Johannis.