Army Medical Command offers survey on mental health care

(Courtesy of Europe Regional Medical Com-mand Public Affairs)

The U. S. Army Med-ical Command wants to know Soldiers’ and family members’ perceptions and experiences with the mental and behavioral health services available at installations in Europe.

The Army’s surgeon general and commander of MEDCOM believes that servicemembers and their families deserve the highest quality healthcare – available when needed – and from trusted providers. 

Therefore, a consulting firm is conducting a survey about the availability of mental healthcare services and holding focus groups to discuss the community’s awareness, usage and opinions as to the quality of mental and behavioral health services.

“Whether or not you have used mental or behavioral health services in the past is not important,” said Lt. Col. Gary W. Tryniszewski, director of Europe Regional Medical Command’s Soldier and Family Support Services.  “We are interested in the perceptions of both users and non-users.” 

BearingPoint, a private consulting firm, has the contract with MEDCOM to conduct the research. BearingPoint will make the survey available online and will hold focus group discussions at locations throughout Europe.

Colonel Tryniszewski said any thoughts and opinions expressed online or during a focus group session will be kept completely anonymous and confidential and are protected by the Privacy Act.

“Participation in the survey or focus group is voluntary and does not affect your benefits or the benefits of your family,” Colonel Tryniszewski said. If you would like to participate in the survey, go to

“BearingPoint Inc. is working with us to carry out the survey.  If you have any problems completing the survey or have other questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to call BearingPoint at 703-747-4011,” Colonel Tryniszewski said. 

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