Army pharmacies in Europe implementing call-in, online refill system

Army pharmacies in Europe have transitioned to a mandatory call-in or online refill system.

Since Feb. 11, all beneficiaries must now request refills in advance via the pharmacy phone-in refill line or through the online TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy. Refill requests will be ready for pick-up the next business day. Enforcing this policy will keep wait times to a minimum for everyone.

To request a refill, call 486-5601 or 06371-86-5601 or log onto TRICARE online at Both options are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You may pick up your medication at any military pharmacy in Belgium, Germany or Italy if it is available on the local formulary. However, before placing your order, call the pharmacy to ensure it is available at that pharmacy.

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