Selected Army civilians are required to undergo random drug testing based upon their critical safety or security responsibilities documented in their position descriptions. It is not the individual being tested, it’s the position.
According to Wayne Stramer, 26th Area Support Group Alcohol and Drug Control Officer, employees in Test Designated Positions must submit to random testing for illegal drugs.
Mr. Stramer, in conjunction with the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center and other civilian leadership, is developing a list of the TDP positions throughout the ASG. Both Appropriated Fund and Non-appropriated Fund positions will be included. Grade does not determine TDP. Local nationals and contract positions are exempt.
Drug testing has taken place for years in the United States. A urinalysis test will screen for six substances – marijuana, cocaine, PCP, opiates, amphetamines and ecstasy. The test does not screen for alcohol.
All persons in TDP must undergo training at least 30 days before testing can begin.
When you come to the training, you will be advised on how samples are collected, the fact that the samples will be collected on a random basis, and the procedure on how they will be handled.
Once you get through the training, employees will sign Department of the Army Form 5019 acknowledging they have been through the training and are aware they are in TDP. A copy of the DA Form will go in into their official personnel file. The 30-day time frame gives employees the chance to get used to the idea, find a non-TDP job if possible or if they have a potential problem, get help before testing begins.
The Landstuhl Prevention coordinator, Terri Anderson, will help employees receive treatment and possible temporary job transfer from TDP through the local CPAC. Once testing begins, those with positive results will have to work through their supervisor, CPAC, Employee Assistance Program office and the Alcohol and Drug Control Office to determine the next step. Options could include treatment, reassignment to non-TDP either temporarily or permanently, change to a lower grade or separation. Some cold and flu medicines could affect the test.
As a precaution, it is suggested that anyone taking a prescription medicine should keep a copy of his or her prescription.
For the next scheduled training, visit Employees in test-designated positions should attend, along with their first- and second-line supervisors. For more information, call Terri Anderson, 486-6121/1710, the Alcohol and Drug Control Officer Wayne Stramer at 373-7475 or e-mail carl.stramer