Bare feet in Bad Sobernheim

Bare your feet! Yes, you heard me right. Socks and shoes off and off you go!
In Bad Sobernheim, treat the soles of your feet to the pleasures of Barfusspfad, which translates into “Bare Feet Path.”

You’ll have plenty of time to give your feet the exercise and relaxation they need on the 3.5-kilometer path. It’s a stimulating massage for your feet.

If your spouse or significant other won’t rub your feet for you, here’s an alternative. As a bonus, you’re outside in nature!

There are a ton of positive side effects associated with walking barefoot.
Your feet can actually take a breath and muscles can work like they’re meant to, letting you step outside the confines of a shoe that often doesn’t quite fit correctly anyway.

***image1***Walking on different surfaces also forces your feet to actually take on a natural position to support your weight.

The Barfusspfad in Bad Sobernheim is a sole-ful adventure: you walk on
different surfaces and cross small streams and rivers. You should probably wear shorts and bring a towel. Some visitors bring a backpack, but you can also rent a locker for your belongings.

Start the path by walking across smooth river stones followed by bark mulch.
Expect to get a little dirty. Depending on your height, you’ll be ankle- or knee-deep in mud at some point. You also cross a stream on a small boat or on a shaky bridge.
Plan about one hour for your trek along the Barfuss-pfad. It’s open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. May to October.

Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed, but with good reason – we’re all barefoot
after all. Cost is €2.50 for adults and €1.50 for kids and teenagers.

The Barfusspfad in Bad Sobernheim is about one and a half hours from Kaiserslautern.