Base Pride Day beautifies Ramstein

Photo by Airman 1st Class Lane Plummer
Staff Sgt. Tenzin Choegoyab and Airman 1st Class Ahmad Yehudah, both 86th Airlift Wing Command Post emergency action controllers, scoop up leaves during Base Pride Day Nov. 3 on Ramstein. Airmen and civilians around Ramstein were tasked to clean around their working areas during the biannual occasion. The two-day event gave base personnel time to beautify the base by picking up trash and raking leaves.
Staff Sgt. Tenzin Choegoyab and Airman 1st Class Ahmad Yehudah, both 86th Airlift Wing Command Post emergency action controllers, scoop up leaves during Base Pride Day Nov. 3 on Ramstein. Airmen and civilians around Ramstein were tasked to clean around their working areas during the biannual occasion. The two-day event gave base personnel time to beautify the base by picking up trash and raking leaves.
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