Be prepared for flu season

by Jerry Harben
U.S. Army Medical Command

***image1***A quick stick in the arm or a spray in the nose … OR

A week of headaches, coughing, sneezing, chicken soup and misery, while your unit works shorthanded.

It’s not that hard a choice to make.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that can have serious, even fatal, effects. It threatens military readiness, with the potential to put many servicemembers on sick call instead of on duty. Therefore, all military members are required to be vaccinated against the flu each year.

“The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimated an average of 36,000 Americans died annually in the 1990s due to influenza-related complications. Each year, 5 to 20 percent of the United States population gets the flu, resulting in about 200,000 people being hospitalized. Vaccination is your best protection against influenza infection,” said Lt. Col. Patrick M. Garman, deputy director for scien-

tific affairs at the Department of Defense Military Vaccine Agency.

“DOD will offer its bene-ficiaries influenza vaccinations during the flu season in accordance with national guidelines. Certain groups take priority, such as active duty or individuals with chronic diseases like diabetes, and after these groups are adequately taken care of the vaccine will be available to any beneficiary who wishes to be vaccinated,” Colonel Garman said.

Flu immunizations are mandatory for all active duty, National Guard and reserve personnel. The Department of Defense has established a goal of having 90 percent of these people vaccinated by Dec. 31.

Vaccinations are also mandatory for civilian health-care personnel who provide direct patient care in DOD medical treatment facilities, and for emergency-essential DOD civilian personnel.

The vaccine is available by injection or intranasal spray.

“Influenza viruses change from year to year,” said Colonel Garman. “Protection that develops after a person is infected or is immunized against the circulating

viruses of one season does not provide adequate cross-protection when a new influenza strain develops.”

This year’s influenza vaccine composition in the U.S. is recommended for the Northern Hemisphere by the World Health Organization. The 2008-2009 influenza vaccine strains are A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1), A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2) and B/Florida/4/2006.

When the vaccine is well matched to the circulating virus strain, immunization of healthy adults has been 70 to 90 percent effective in preventing influenza illness.

“We stress that influenza vaccination should continue until the supply is exhausted or until the expiration date is reached for the vaccine. The highest incidence of disease is usually in February, but influenza can be contracted year round,” Colonel Garman said.

More information about influenza and influenza vaccinations is available on the Internet from the Military Vaccine Agency at and from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Influenza is spread through aerosolized respiratory droplets during close contact with an infected person or animal, or through contact with a contaminated object.

In addition to vaccination, experts recommend frequent handwashing and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. Also, people who are sick should avoid others if possible, wash hands often and cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to prevent the virus from spreading.

Most people who receive the influenza vaccine experience no serious problems.

Side effects of the injectable vaccine such as soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site, fever, weakness, headache or muscle aches may last one or two days. More serious problems such as severe allergic reactions are rare.

Side effects of the intra-nasal vaccine can include runny nose, headache, fever, cough and sore throat.

People in a few categories, such as children less than 6 months old, those with sensitivity to eggs or egg products, or those with a history of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, should not receive the influenza vaccine.

While providing flu vaccinations, health-care providers should screen immunization records to see if patients need other vaccines or boosters as well. Military commanders are responsible for ensuring immunization data is entered into electronic immunization tracking systems.

“Find out the hours of operation of your local DOD immunization clinic,” said Colonel Garman. “Most organizations schedule walk-in clinic hours, so appointments may not be necessary.”

Or be prepared for that week of misery.

Why do I need to get immunized against the flu every year?

Influenza viruses change from year to year. Protection that develops after a person is infected or is immunized against the circulating viruses of one season does not provide adequate cross-protection when a new influenza strain develops.

How soon will I get sick after being exposed to the flu?

The time from exposure to when symptoms first start (incubation period) is usually two to four days. This is the period when people are most contagious to others because the infected person still feels normal and is not taking the necessary precautions to avoid spreading the disease.

Who should receive intranasal vaccine (FluMist)?

FluMist is a live intranasal vaccine

approved for 2- to 49-year-olds. For more information, see

Who should not get the injectable influenza vaccine?

• People who have a severe allergy to chicken proteins, eggs, egg products or any components of the influenza vaccine

• People who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccination in the past

• People who developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome within six weeks of getting an

influenza vaccine previously (unless advised otherwise by their physician)

• People who are sick with a fever; these people can get immunized once their symptoms resolve

• Children less than 6 months of age

• People less than 18 years of age should not get Flulaval or Afluria.

Note: People who have a history of a severe allergic reaction to vaccine components, but also are at high risk for complications from influenza may be able to receive the vaccine after appropriate allergist evaluation and desensitization.

For general information on influenza and the benefits of receiving the annual vaccination, visit the CDC Web site at or

(Courtesy of Europe Regional Medical Command Public Affairs)