BEF releases drinking water quality report

by 86th Medical Group Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight

The 86th Medical Group’s Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight recently released Ramstein’s Annual Drinking Water Quality Report.  This report, which is required by Air Force Instruction and mirrors the Consumer Confidence Report required by the Environmental Protection Agency Continental United States, is designed to inform people about the excellent water and services that were delivered over the past year.

The goal is to provide everyone with a safe, high quality and reliable drinking water supply.  The 86th MDG is continually striving to improve its services and protect its vital community water resources.

The 786th Civil Engineer Squadron Water Plant and Exterior Utility sections operate and maintain the KMC water distribution equipment and systems.  CES personnel work 24/7 to ensure the system is pressurized and maintains sufficient chlorine residual.  CES personnel conduct daily operational monitoring to maintain the high quality of their final product ― our drinking water.

Since Nov. 1, 2007, the two Vogelweh systems, including Kapaun Air Station, have combined and are supplied by the City of Kaiserslautern water provider, Stadtwerke Kaisers-lautern.

The 86th MDG BEF routinely monitors water quality throughout the systems. Each week BEF tests chlorine and pH levels and collects water samples for bacteriological and chemical analysis.  All routine monitoring requirements are conducted in accordance with the Final Governing Standards for Germany.

The FGS-G defines the parameters to be monitored (most stringent U.S./German requirements), the sampling frequency, the maximum contaminant level, the notification procedures, and what processes should be initiated if non-compliance is detected (e.g., treatment techniques, bottled water issuance, etc).

The U.S. Army Public Health Command Public Health Region-Europe at Landstuhl, a German and U.S. certified and accredited laboratory, performs most of the 86th MDG’s analytical requirements.

The 86th MDG BEF routinely monitors for more than 60 drinking water parameters.

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