BMETS calibrate LRMC

Senior Airman John Dedman, 86th Medical Squadron biomedical equipment technician, calibrates a vital signs monitor Oct. 27 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. The monitor measures blood pressure, temperature and the saturation of oxygen in the blood. Biomedical equipment technician Airmen assigned to LRMC install, inspect, repair, calibrate and modify biomedical equipment and support systems.
Airman 1st Class Robert Bridges, 86th Medical Squadron biomedical equipment technician, takes apart and inspects a circulatory assist unit Oct. 27 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. A circulatory assist unit prevents deep vein thrombosis or blood clots in the legs while the patient is under surgery or an inpatient in the hospital.
Airman Jordan Scott, 86th Medical Squadron biomedical equipment technician, left, and U.S. Army Specialist Angel Rodriguez, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Bravo Company medical maintainer, inspect medical equipment Oct. 27 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Biomedical equipment technicians advise staff and other agencies on biomedical equipment operational theory, underlying physiological principles and safe clinical applications. Airmen at LRMC work with the U.S. Army to keep the local hospitals and field clinics fully operational.
U.S. Army Specialist Angel Rodriguez, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Bravo Company medical maintainer, left; Airman Jordan Scott, middle; and Senior Airman John Dedman, both 86th Medical Squadron biomedical equipment technicians, run troubleshooting diagnostics on medical equipment Oct. 27 at LRMC. Diagnostics tests ensure medical facilities have equipment that is functional, and BMETs perform basic electronic and troubleshooting diagnostics on a variety of medical equipment.
Airman 1st Class Tyler Burris, left, and Airman 1st Class Nathan Scott, right, both 86th Medical Squadron biomedical equipment technicians, inspect an infant and neonatal warmer Oct. 27 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Biomedical equipment technicians replace parts, repair components and inspect equipment to ensure they fall within operating regulations.
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