Career fair provides learning opportunity for teens

Teens speak to Capt. Brandon Dinger and Staff Sgt. William Reynolds, U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Directorate of Emergency Services, at a career fair at Wetzel Teen Center in Baumholder on Nov. 22.

Baumholder teens attended an informal career fair with representatives from U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz Nov. 22 at Wetzel Teen Center.

The event provided an information gathering session for youth ages 11-18 to hear about different career fields within the garrison, according to Ryan Flynn, the center’s director.

Representatives from across the garrison spoke about their respective careers and answered questions. Organizations present included the Directorate of Emergency Services — Military Police and Fire Department; Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation — Sports and Fitness; Directorate of Human Resources — Army Education Centers; Public Affairs and others.

Staff Sgt. William Reynolds, DES Traffic Management and Collision Investigation NCO in charge, said the event was “a great chance to share what we do on a day-to-day basis to help steer the kids in the directions they want to go.”

Reynolds was joined by Baumholder Provost Marshal Capt. Brandon Dinger, who said “it’s good for [the teens] to start thinking about where they want to go and what they want to do. They’re young and have plenty of ideas of what they might want to do, and can narrow it down as they go along.”

Over at the sports and fitness table, personal trainer Jessie Dayton talked to teens about his profession. Teens asked Dayton what skills are required of a personal trainer. “Being a personal trainer isn’t just about helping people get physically fit, it’s about helping them eat better and think better too,” he said, also explaining fitness inside and outside of the gym.

Felicia Piggé, education counselor at Baumholder Education Center, talked about her job assisting active-duty service members and their families with education options.

“It’s really good for [the students] to have somebody to talk to them about the different job opportunities available and life choices after high school,” Piggé said of the career fair.

“I liked all of the jobs and everything the [representatives] did for us, and how they told us all about what we need to know if we want to do something like that,” said Carla, a sixth-grader.

“I liked it because we can kind of see what we want to do — we can have different options and talk to people who know more about it,” sixth-grader Cadence added. Though too young to start working, both girls said they are interested in getting a job once they are in high school.

The career fair was one of many opportunities offered to youth who attend Wetzel Teen Center. For more information, call the center at 06783-6-6810.