Airlifter of the Week: Helping COVID-19 patients fly
Much like Airmen, aircraft need support. One kind of support comes in the form of fuel.
Much like Airmen, aircraft need support. One kind of support comes in the form of fuel.
Leaders from the Kaiserslautern Military Community and city of Kaiserslautern gathered for the annual Kindergraves memorial service at the Kaiserslautern Main Cemetery, Kaiserslautern, May 16.
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? In this case, it’s a quality of life improvement to an area of Army Family Housing here.
Family Advocacy now uses telephones and video chat to offer services such as individual and couples counseling, new parent support program and a domestic abuse victim advocate hotline. They also offer online classes every Wednesday at 1 p.m., mostly centered on parents and families.
The Headquarters and Head-quarters Battery, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense, Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG), located within the Kaiserslautern Military Community, is not just a support network between the unit and families. In fact, the SFRG has doubled efforts to ensure family members are informed and cognizant of the ever-changing COVID-19 laws and restrictions that began here since the pandemic began.
This time of year usually brings the sight of packing material and shipping containers stacked like skyscrapers, the ripping sound of packing tape, a plethora of housing appointments, and the various to-do lists that come with a permanent change of station move. However, this PCS season has been put on hold for most service members and their families due to the Stop Movement order issued by the Secretary of Defense in early March.
Though coronavirus disease 2019 is hindering activities that once drew huge crowds, COVID-19 will not stop a nation from honoring and remembering law enforcement officers who have fallen in the line of duty.
Sirens blared and children clapped as Kaiserslautern Military Community first responders drove through Ramstein’s family housing area during the Heroes through Housing event May 7.
Even during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office is finding ways to raise awareness.
Amid all the changes to routines, key spouses from the 435th Contingency Response Squadron, 435th Contingency Response Support Squadron and the 435th Security Forces Squadron found a way to touch the lives of their squadron’s most valuable commodity: its people.