

UBO ensures patients are up-to-date

UBO ensures patients are up-to-date

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Sharida Jackson
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Most military members are familiar with Tricare medical coverage and benefits, but what happens to those who are not covered under Tricare? Where do they go when they need assistance with medical insurance-related issues?

February 5, 2016 ×


A dancing group, or “Jugendgarde,” from the dance club "Unterhaltungsverein Miesenbach Miesenbacher Viellaeppcher" perform a traditional dance during a kinder Fasching celebration Jan. 25 on Ramstein. The entertainment club is one of the biggest carnival clubs in West Palatinate with nearly 400 members.

KMC children celebrate kinder Fasching

Photos by Airman 1st Class Larissa Greatwood


February 5, 2016 ×


Ask an attorney: Who pays realtor’s fee?

by Holger Blug Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center

Q: I’m searching for a house to rent on the German economy. If I go through a German realtor to find one, who has to pay the realtor’s finder’s fee?

January 28, 2016 ×


U.S. Air Force graphic
This is the 83rd Network Operations Squadron Detachment 4 patch. The 83rd NOS uses their weapon system, known as the cyber security and control system, to ensure 24-hour network operations and management functions and enable key enterprise services and defensive operations within the Air Force’s networks. The CSCS is one of seven Air Force cyber weapon systems and is operated every day at Ramstein.

83rd NOS brings airpower to cyber warfare

by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

On any given day, there are threats from the virtual domain which could wreak havoc in the physical world. To help defend against this invisible enemy, Airmen with the 83rd Network Operations Squadron Detachment 4 posess a weapon system that brings airpower to the cyber war.

January 28, 2016 ×


AF DTC assists, supports redeployers

by Staff Sgt. Leslie Keopka 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Deployments can be rewarding, challenging, stressful and even life-changing experiences for service members worldwide. Packing up and leaving family members and all things home for several months can take a toll on a person.

January 28, 2016 ×


Airman Drew Thurau, 86th Maintenance Squadron crew chief, sprays water on the wing of a Ramstein C-130J Super Hercules during a pre-isochronal inspection wash Jan. 4 on Ramstein. An ISO inspection is a scheduled, extensive examination of an aircraft to maintain its functionality and perform preventive maintenance.

Maintainers clean before painting, inspecting

Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Timothy Moore 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

“Clean before applying paint” is a direction many people may disregard during a home improvement project, but they are words that are well-heeded by the members of the 86th Maintenance Squadron isochronal inspection section.

January 21, 2016 ×


Watch me touch, watch me go

Watch me touch, watch me go

Photos by Staff Sgt. Armando Schwier-Morales

Airmen land a Ramstein C-130J Super Hercules on the runway as they conduct a touch-and-go landing Jan. 14 on Ramstein. Airmen from the 37th Airlift Squadron transport troops and supplies across a variety of airfields and must practice the touch-and-go to ready them for any situation that may arise during […]

January 21, 2016 ×


Ask an attorney: dependency exemption

by Mark Christensen Kaiserslautern Legal Services Center

Q: What is the real value of a dependency exemption for tax purposes, and what will I be giving up if I allow my ex-partner to claim my child who lives with me as a dependent?

January 21, 2016 ×


Imagine life without Biomedical Sciences Corps

Imagine life without Biomedical Sciences Corps

by Lt. Col. Juan Ramirez 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron

Have you ever given thought as to what life would be like without your friendly neighborhood Biomedical Sciences Corps Officers? My guess would be no, unless you’re a BSC, but I suspect in order to answer that question or understand how your life would be affected, you would need a bit more background on who we are and what we do.

January 21, 2016 ×


Senior Airman Nathan Slagle, 86th Munitions Squadron munitions storage crew chief, takes accountability of explosives and checks for vulnerabilities on an artillery delivery Dec. 8 on Ramstein. The 86th MUNS provides “the lethal edge” to combatant commands around the world.

86th MUNS puts ‘power’ in airpower

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Larissa Greatwood 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

When it takes the coordination of multiple units to make a single mission happen, it can be difficult for Airmen to see the bigger picture and recognize how their efforts are impacting the overall Air Force mission.

January 21, 2016 ×