

Senior Airman Jacob Osborne, 86th Maintenance Squadron hydraulics systems journeyman, applies electrical power to a C-130J Super Hercules Oct. 21 on Ramstein. In order to check the hydraulic systems before or after a flight, the hydraulics journeymen must turn on the electrical systems and check the hydraulics from the cockpit as well as outside of the aircraft.

Hydraulics Airmen ‘pump brakes’ on aircraft danger

Photos by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart


October 30, 2014 ×


Airman 1st Class Taylor Bauman, 86th Munitions Squadron conventional maintenance crew member, packages a BBU-35 impulse cartridge Sept. 30 on Ramstein. The BBU-35 impulse cartridges are used to initiate the counter measures loaded onto C-130s. Countermeasures help divert enemy attacks on aircraft.  After everything is marked and logged into a computer, it takes about two and a half hours with three to four Airmen to build one load of 420 countermeasures, which supports one C-130. Additionally, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to load chaff and flares onto a C-130 if the load crew is ready.

Airmen supply munitions, ensure mission success

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

One of the differences between commercial aircraft and an Air Force aircraft is munitions. Without defensive munitions, flying units would be vulnerable to enemies when providing critical support to ground units.

October 30, 2014 ×


Airman Tiffani Ortiz, 786th Force Support Squadron food server apprentice, serves customers Oct. 8 in the Rhineland Inn Dining Facility on Ramstein. The Rhineland Inn Dining Facility provides Airmen with food to-go.

Airmen feeding Airmen

Photos by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart


October 23, 2014 ×


Members of Team Ramstein visit different information tables Oct. 17 on Ramstein. The Kaiserslautern Military Community Fair allowed units to set up stations in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center to allow military members and their families to see events and classes offered in the area.

KMC comes together at community fair

Photos by Airman Larissa Greatwood


October 23, 2014 ×


An Airman signals to service members indicating they are able to carry a patient from a Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility bus Oct. 10 on Ramstein. There isn’t a CASF at every base in the Air Force. Depending upon where a medical Airman is stationed will determine whether or not they will work at a CASF.

CASF provides service members with extra care

Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

When service members are injured downrange and need to receive specialized medical attention, they go to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to be treated. They are then transported, by the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility on Ramstein, from LRMC to the Ramstein flightline where they receive care before they are transported elsewhere for further attention.

October 23, 2014 ×


Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan CastelanThe U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band prepares to deliver a performance inside the Conservatoire de Luxembourg Oct. 9 in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Air Force bands support the global Air Force mission by preserving national heritage, providing professional musical products and acting as ambassadors throughout their touring schedules and performances.

Air Force music ambassadors present concert

October 16, 2014 ×


Staff Sgt. Antonio Sixto, 86th Medical Operations Squadron NCO in charge of emergency responses, demonstrates how to apply a combat application tourniquet during a self-aid and buddy care hands-on class Oct. 7 on Ramstein.

Instructing to preserve life, limb, eyesight

Story and photo by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Self-aid and buddy care are intended to provide basic first-aid training to preserve life, limb and eyesight. The training is separated into two portions: computer-based and hands-on.

October 16, 2014 ×


Senior Airman Lloydon Balili, 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron ophthalmic technician, uses an auto-refractor to determine a patient’s baseline prescription Sept. 30 on Ramstein. As U.S. Air Forces in Europe’s largest optometry clinic, they treat ID cardholders for anything from retraining physicals to school screenings.

Optometry office provides insight

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Not being able to see can mean the difference between life and death in the military. Aiming a weapon effectively, parachuting out of an aircraft or even patrolling the base would be incredibly difficult without a healthy set of eyes.

October 9, 2014 ×


Airman 1st Class Dillon Fowler, 86th Communications Squadron cable and antenna maintenance specialist, conducts an inspection of communication infrastructure Oct. 2 on Ramstein. Cable and antenna specialists are responsible for installing, maintaining and replacing critical assets that enable the free flowing stream of information throughout the KMC.

Extinguishing fires with communication

Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Trucks, high pressure hoses, engines, ladders, hard hats and a station dog are all essential tools to put out a fire, even those that don’t burn.

October 9, 2014 ×


Energy Action Month educates Airmen

Courtesy of Air Force News Service

October is Energy Action Month throughout the federal government, and in the Air Force, Energy Action Month is the centerpiece of the “I am Air Force Energy” campaign dedicated to educating Airmen on ways they can maximize their energy efficiency and mission effectiveness.

October 9, 2014 ×