

Staff Sgt. Robert McGraw, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron special purpose snow team member, performs a quality control inspection during a snow fleet rebuild 
Sept. 17 on Ramstein. Airmen from the 86th VRS are responsible for maintaining all snow removal equipment, allowing the mission to continue during inclement weather.

VRS ensures snow fleet ready to roll

Photos by Senior Airman Chris Willis
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Recent dips in temperatures are a good indication that snow and ice are on the way. The 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron special purpose snow team is a 14-man team that has five months to repair 35 vehicles before the winter.

September 26, 2013 ×


Mobility assets are transported to a C-130 Hercules during an engine-running onload. Airmen from the 721st Aerial Port Squadron and 37th Airlift Squadron trained together in a non-hostile environment to be better prepared when deployed.

Joint training for wartime tasking


September 26, 2013 ×


Courtesy photoTech. Sgt. Jason McNabb and his wife, Morgan, pose for a photo after the Air Force Marathon Sept. 21.

Airman raises money for AF Enlisted Village

by Senior Airman Hailey Haux
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

An Airman from the 435th Contingency Response Group is taking part in the Air Force Marathon
Sept. 21 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and is collecting donations for the Air Force Enlisted Village.

September 19, 2013 ×


Family Advocacy sponsors ‘The Five Love Languages’

by Carmen Schott
Family Advocacy outreach manager

The Five Love Languages is a communication class that is taught to help individuals and couples learn more about themselves and their partner. Family Advocacy hosted the Five Love Languages class Sept. 6.

September 19, 2013 ×


Photo by Senior Airman Caitlin GuinazuKlaus Friedrich, Saarbrücken tour coordinator and guide, points out a building to Dana Doan, Ramstein 
Airman and Family Readiness Center community readiness consultant, during a tour Sept. 12 in Saarbrücken. The purpose of the visit was to learn more about what Saarbrücken has to offer in order to better serve customers with sound recommendations of family friendly activities.

A&FRC visits Saarbrücken

September 19, 2013 ×


Ramstein Welfare Bazaar patrons browse through European items Sept. 13.

Volunteers make Ramstein Welfare Bazaar a success

Photos by Senior Airman Jose L. Leon
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

More than 300 KMC members volunteered at the 49th annual Ramstein Welfare Bazaar Sept. 12 to 14. The event was hosted by the 86th Force Support Squadron and sponsored by the Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club.

September 19, 2013 ×


Amongst a battery of computers, Spc. Ryan Clark works on re-imaging a computer.

Baumholder NEC wins first place in medium category

Story and photo by Lorinda L. Risley
Deputy Network Enterprise Center chief

For the second year in a row, 102nd Signal Battalion’s Network Enterprise Center, including the Baumholder NEC, earned first place in the medium category of the Network Enterprise Technology Command NEC of the Year competition.

September 12, 2013 ×


Photo by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest WainwrightSenior Airman Shane Mitchell, American Forces Network Kaiserslautern radio disc jockey, plays the latest hits over the radio Sept. 6 on Vogelweh. AFN Kaiserslautern is celebrating 70 years of service to the KMC this year.

AFN service

September 12, 2013 ×


U.S. Army Pfc. Karlea E. Henderson (right), a human resources specialist assigned to the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 18th Engineer Brigade acting as a personnel clerk for the simulated 70th Infantry Division higher command, and Croatian army Maj. Ruzica Pavic Kevric, a medical practitioner specializing in occupational and sports medicine at the Croatian Institute for Aviation Medicine, the simulated 70 ID medical officer, review a casualty report during the Operation Immediate Response 13 training exercise Aug. 26.

Junior Soldier brings ‘First in Support’ mentality to Immediate Response

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett
21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

During a joint and coalition training exercise, in a room that was populated with colonels, sergeants major, staff level NCOs and field grade officers, sat a single private first class. She was soft spoken and new to the coalition environment, but she learned quickly and adapted to any task she was given. For three weeks, she showed the members of the simulated higher command what it means to be “First in Support.”

September 12, 2013 ×


Graphic by Hans Roth

FTAC students gain knowledge through financial management

by Senior Airman Hailey Haux
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Being new to the Air Force can be a huge step in a person’s life. For some, it’s just another job. For others, it’s their first major job since graduating high school.

September 12, 2013 ×