

Photo by Capt. Candice MiloneAirmen with the 86th Medical Group participate in a tug-of-war during the 86th MDG MASH Bash May 16 on Ramstein. The second annual morale event included a costume contest, a  blindfolded cone “minefield” navigation course and more as a way to promote camaraderie and esprit de corps. The event was also a way for the 86th MDG Airmen to learn the history of mobile Army surgical hospitals and the television show “MASH,” which portrayed them and the role they played in American history.

86th MDG raises morale with MASH Bash

May 29, 2014 ×


Staff Sgt. Wendell Reeder (right), survey team chief, 773rd Civil Support Team, 7th Civil Support Command, writes notes as he observes members of the HAZMAT Company, Civil Protection Regiment, Kosovo Security Forces, during a Defense Threat Reduction Agency-led exercise May 20.

7th CSC Soldiers train Kosovo HAZMAT unit

Story and photo by Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta
7th Civil Support Command Public Affairs

Soldiers from the 773rd Civil Support Team, 7th Civil Support Command, and one Iowa National Guard Soldier trained 20 members of the Kosovo Security Force’s fledgling HAZMAT unit on incident response procedures and HAZMAT equipment May 12 to 21 during a Defense Threat Reduction Agency-led exercise.

May 29, 2014 ×


The Kindergraves are the final resting places for 451 American children of service members stationed in Europe during the buildup of the Cold War. The graves were decorated with American flags and roses before the ceremony.

Kindergraves ceremony held in Kaiserslautern

Photos by Senior Airman Hailey Haux


May 22, 2014 ×


Photo by Phil A. JonesCol. Judith Lee, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center commander, presents Maria Fox-Meehan with a handmade quilt of valor during the dedication ceremony of The Thomas Meehan Suite.

A memory lives on, brings peace to families

by Taylor Massey
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Affairs

A new room stands by at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center designed specifically for patients nearing the end of their life’s journey. These hospice patients now have a comforting environment where they can spend their last days with loved ones.

May 22, 2014 ×


New spin on old training gives SHARP an edge

by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett
21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command and other tenant units from the KMC saw a new spin on Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention May 12 to 18 at the Hercules Theater on Ramstein.

May 22, 2014 ×


Airman 1st Class Desmond Oates, 86th Maintenance Squadron aerospace ground equipment technician, removes an air compressor’s fender at the new AGE facility April 22 on Ramstein. The new facility relocated AGE Airmen under one roof to increase efficiency and continuity.

AFSO21 leads to new AGE

Story and photo by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Ramstein maintenance Airmen opened a new aerospace ground equipment facility recently, designed around Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st century principles to increase the unit’s effectiveness.

May 22, 2014 ×


Staff Sgt. Jeffery Fitzgerald, 86th Security Forces Squadron training instructor, shows the barb from a training Taser cartridge to a crowd during the 86th SFS Police Week display May 17 on Ramstein. The event occurred during National Police Week and was held to provide community involvement and safety tips. The 86th SFS assembled the displays and demonstrations to provide community members the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of what security forces does on Ramstein. 
The 86th SFS also gave lethal and less-than-lethal weapon safety tips while providing community involvement.

Police Week demo displays security, safety

Photos by Senior Airman Jose L. Leon


May 22, 2014 ×


The Arts and Crafts Center offers many different services, including framing, engraving and classes on ceramics, pottery, woodworking and much more.

Woodshop cuts through craft costs

Photos by Senior Airman Hailey Haux


May 15, 2014 ×


Photo by Airman 1st Class Caleb PierceA C-21A Learjet flies over Germany June 8, 2010. C-21A Learjets are used on Ramstein by the 76th Airlift Squadron for distinguished visitors and patient transport.

From passenger jet to versatile airlift

by Senior Airman Jonathan Stefanko
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Dressed in flight suits and crammed into a cockpit the size of a clown car, two C-21A Learjet pilots soar through the sky transporting a soldier wounded in battle.

May 15, 2014 ×


File photo

Community unites for Kindergraves memorial

by Kaiserslautern Kindergraves Memorial Foundation

The veterans made it home safely, but their children stayed behind in the U.S. Forces Kindergraves. The children had no chance at life, and most perished before their first birthday. The Kindergraves became the final resting place for 451 American children of service men and women serving in Europe during the buildup of the Cold War.

May 8, 2014 ×