

Photo illustration by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright

According to the fiscal year 2011 Department of Defense annual report on sexual assault in the military, victim reports per 1,000 Air Force members were at 1.6. The same report states that only 
14 percent (about one in six) of the estimated 19,000 victims actually reported their attack. The first response to any sexual assault scenario should be to contact the SARC at 480-7272.

April to raise awareness on sexual assaults

April has been designated Sexual Assault Awareness Month across the U.S. SAAM gives military members the opportunity to reflect upon how to prevent sexual assault through education and increased public awareness.

April 11, 2013 ×


Photo by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright
Firefighters from the 435th Civil Engineer Squadron set up a tripod March 21 on top of the training facility on Ramstein in order to pull any potential victims out of harm’s way. The 435th Construction Training Squadron conducted rescue technician certification training that tested 11 firefighters in simulated rescue operations.

Firefighters tested during training

The 435th Construction and Training Squadron conducted rescue technician certification training that tested 11 firefighters in simulated operations.

April 4, 2013 ×


Woman on the Street: Women's History Month

Woman on the Street: Women’s History Month

We asked, “What did you think of Women’s History Month and the Women’s History Month leadership seminar?”

April 4, 2013 ×


Airmen from the 7th Weather Squadron sing the Air Force song during an official ceremony March 28 in Wiesbaden, Germany. The 7th WS retired the colors from the old detachment located in Heidelberg.

7th Weather Squadron moves to Wiesbaden

The 7th Weather Squadron is the combat weather squadron that supports Europe. They provide weather forecasts and updates to commanders and their staff by delivering specialized weather bulletins in support of the crisis action team.

April 4, 2013 ×


Airmen remember historic airdrop

It has been almost 10 years since the airdrop and airfield lodgment of Bashur Airfield, Iraq, where the 86th Contingency Response Group, predecessor to today’s 435th CRG, played a pivotal role in a major operation.

April 4, 2013 ×


First in, last out

First in, last out

The 435th Air Ground Operations Wing recently awarded Senior Airman Howard Daniels, 1st Combat Communications Squadron, the Thunderbolt award. The award is given to Airmen within the 435th AGOW in recognition of their superior achievements and work performance.

April 4, 2013 ×


Army education counselor Sarah Jones helps Spc. Brianna Smith with an online federal student aid application during a March 29 workshop at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern.

Workshop explains education funding alternatives

Sgt. 1st Class Pamela Frank relied upon Army tuition assistance to help fund her education. But she knew the program might not last. Fortunately, for many service members, the government voted in late-March to reinstate TA funding. Army education centers are awaiting guidance on when that will occur.

April 4, 2013 ×


Airmen are graded on their skills in the readiness inspection March 28 on Ramstein.

Airmen participate in ATSO training

April 4, 2013 ×


Members of the 212th Combat Support Hospital drive three Medium Tactical Vehicles 
loaded with part of their 12-bed Early Entry Package onto a C-17 March 11 on Ramstein. Medics using the EEP are capable of treating a dozen service members in any field environment worldwide.

Medics train for airlift

With the help from the Air Force, some members of the 212th Combat Support Hospital loaded part of their 12-bed Early Entry Package onto C-17 transport jets.

April 4, 2013 ×


Military Matters – April 5, 2013

The ratings on a performance report should never be a surprise to the person being rated. Surprises usually occur when either the rater has failed to provide proper feedback or the person being rated has failed to recognize and/or fix his or her own weaknesses.

April 4, 2013 ×