Finding the right mix: Kaiserslautern Soldier debuts first single
The life of Zyon Ras Tafari Gooden has many different stories.
The life of Zyon Ras Tafari Gooden has many different stories.
During the lunchtime hustle, two cooks acted out a culinary choreography
of sorts. As one slid up to a sizzling grill, the other dropped fries
into bubbling oil and set lettuce and tomatoes on waiting buns.
At first glance, he blends in well with a slightly rugged look, tall and
fibrous, wearing airborne wings, an air assault badge and a ranger tab.
He has a commanding voice and comes fully loaded with all the
characteristics of a hard-core Soldier. Up close he emits welcoming,
un-judgmental and kind qualities, and it doesn
Maj. Gen. Margaret Woodward has been taking time from her whirlwind
schedule lately to reflect on the achievements of her unit and her time
at Ramstein.
The Army Oil Analysis Program is part of a Department of Defense-wide
effort to determine impending component failures and lubricant
conditions through periodic laboratory evaluations of used oil samples.
Living overseas often means that family and friends come to visit and
want the full cultural experience. In order to give your guests the true
European experience during their short stay, you need to show them how
Germans live, not just where.
Days are getting longer, temperatures are rising, and your spring
clothes are just waiting to get out of the closet. Time to get in shape
for spring!
WASHINGTON — With the temperature rising and the school year drawing to a close, parents across the nation are starting to think about summertime plans. With three young children and a stretch of lazy summer days ahead, it’s definitely a hot topic in my household. Military families can get a […]