

Crusing the Rhine River

Crusing the Rhine River

Story and photos by A.L. Shaff
Contributing writer

Spring has sprung, Summer will come and the hordes of visitors will start to arrive.

Everyone will ask first for a castle visit then a cruise on the Rhine
River. Here

April 22, 2011 ×


One nation, many beers – Prost!

One nation, many beers – Prost!

Story and photos by Nicole Karsch-Meibom
Contributing writer

Beer has always been and will always be a major topic for us Germans.
Last year, 98.3 million hectoliters of beer were consumed

April 22, 2011 ×




Story and photos by A.L. Shaff
Contributing writer

Soon, spargel season will inundate the area with Germans flooding to
their favorite restaurants daily for their fill of the delicacy in
almost ritualistic ecstasy!

April 22, 2011 ×


Conserve today, secure tomorrow

by Rainer Mueller
86th Civil Engineer Squadron

On April 22, more than 175 countries worldwide will celebrate Earth Day.

Earth Day was invented in the U.S. in 1970, when U.S. Senator Gaylord
Nelson initiated a national day of action to raise awareness about
resource consumption. The buzz word of the day was

April 15, 2011 ×


Tips to being a better neighbor

Warmer weather is approaching and we naturally are anxious to get
outdoors and engage in the summer

April 15, 2011 ×

Features, Health

CVS: the syndrome, not the store

by Maj. Anthony J. Jarecke
U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)

According to the American Optometric Association, Computer Vision
Syndrome is now considered the No. 1 occupational hazard of the 21st
Century. If you are surprised, you shouldn

April 15, 2011 ×


Take a hike

by Donald Seltzer Contributing writer » Interested in Volksmarching but not sure how things work? A basic guide to getting started in the sport is available in PDF by sending an e-mail to volksmarch@gmail.com with “Getting Started” written in the subject line. » Sending an envelope full of brochures, reader B. Lopez […]

April 15, 2011 ×


Ramstein Officers’ Club: You asked, we listened

by Marissa-Ellen Patterson
86th Force Support Squadron marketing assistant

The 86th Force Support Squadron recently held a series of focus groups
on the Ramstein Officers

April 15, 2011 ×


Easter in Germany

by Petra Lessoing
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The Easter holidays are just around the corner. In Germany, Easter week
starts with Holy Thursday, which Germans call

April 15, 2011 ×


Allergy tests covered for TRICARE beneficiaries

by Peter Holstein
TRICARE Management Activity

Every year millions of Americans suffer from allergies, with symptoms
ranging from irritating to life-threatening. TRICARE beneficiaries are
eligible to receive care for the testing and treatment of conditions
relating to allergies.

April 15, 2011 ×