

Colossal Cologne

Colossal Cologne

by Iris Reiff
52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Cologne, located on the Rhine River, is Germany

June 20, 2008 ×


Something for everyone in KL-Süd

Something for everyone in KL-Süd

by Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

Kaiserslautern-Süd (South) is one of the nine union communities of
Kaiserslautern County. It consists of six villages

June 20, 2008 ×


Send us your vacation photos

Send us your vacation photos

Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Write “Destinations” in the e-mail subject line. E-mail to editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com. ***image2*** ***image1*** ***image3*** ***image4*** ***image5***

June 20, 2008 ×


Happy Birthday Army!

Happy Birthday Army!

***image3*** ***image1*** ***image2***

June 20, 2008 ×


The other (and original) triplane

The other (and original) triplane

by Dr. Marshall Michel
86th Airlift Wing historian


June 20, 2008 ×


Zoo turns 40

Zoo turns 40

by Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

The zoo in Kaiserslautern-Siegelbach will celebrate its 40th
anniversary with a special family fest from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

June 13, 2008 ×


Seafood road shows sail in with great savings

Seafood road shows sail in with great savings

by Gerri Young
Defense Commissary Agency

Even landlubbers will want to swim into the Defense Commissary Agency,
Europe, seafood road shows which begin Saturday at the Ramstein
Commissary and continue for selected dates and stores into mid-October.

June 13, 2008 ×


Send us your vacation photos

Send us your vacation photos

Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo and location. Write “Destinations” in the e-mail subject line. E-mail to editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com. ***image1*** ***image2*** ***image3*** ***image4*** ***image5***

June 13, 2008 ×


‘Iron Man’ actor talks Air Force

‘Iron Man’ actor talks Air Force

by Master Sgt. Kimberly Spencer
Air Force News Agency

Air Force and Department of Defense officials agreed to highlight Air
Force capabilities and Airmen to a worldwide audience in the summer

June 13, 2008 ×


Beauty is as beauty does

Beauty is as beauty does

by Dr. Marshall Michel
86th Airlift Wing historian

Certainly one of the most beautiful fighters ever made for the U.S. Air
Force was the Lockheed F-90, built in response to an Air Force
requirement issued at the end of World War II for a long-range jet
escort fighter intended to be a jet replacement for the P-51 Mustang.

June 13, 2008 ×