Dorm residents learn to cook with microwave
About 30 Airmen enjoyed the aromas and tastes of a savory Tex-Mex
chili, cornbread and brownies during a cooking demonstration in their
dormitory sponsored by the U.S. Air Forces in Europe command chief
Winning designs improve quality of life
Winning one Air Force-level award can seem like a feat in and of itself; winning two awards at the same time is extraordinary.
One a day in Tampa Bay
The appearance of powerful, modern German and Japanese medium bombers
in the late 1930s led the United States Army Air Corps to issue a
specification on March 11, 1939, for a new, fast twin-engined medium
Ramstein Airman shows Army strength at march
A lone Ramstein paralegal recently set off on a journey to join a team
of soldiers in what is considered the largest official marching event
in the world.
86th OG provides support to OCO
Their mission: provide airlift support, aeromedical evacuation and airfield operations for combatant commanders.
The most beautiful?
When one considers the most aesthetically pleasing aircraft ever built, the Avro Vulcan is certain to be mentioned. The Avro Vulcan was a delta wing subsonic jet bomber operated by the Royal Air Force from 1953 until 1984. The Vulcan was as part of the RAF’s V Bomber force, an […]
Ramstein Airman finds ‘joy of cooking’
As she walks into the kitchen, she surveys the items she must create
into a meal: two milk fish, a handful of cherry tomatoes, fennel,
asparagus and risotto with herbs.
Childproof your summer
This summer, children 14 and under will be rushed to emergency rooms
nearly 3 million times for serious injuries resulting from motor
vehicle accidents, drowning, bike crashes, falls and other hazards,
according to recent statistics.