

American traces in Homburg

American traces in Homburg

On a journey driving down A6 towards Saarbrücken or Zweibrücken, you may have caught the sign “Homburg,” not realizing that the quaint town with 41,000 inhabitants is the third largest city in our neighbor state Saarland and also has a chest full of hidden historical treasures. The town is famous […]

April 28, 2023 ×


US Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz celebrates Earth Day

US Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz celebrates Earth Day

U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz leaders and team members celebrated Earth Day 2023 with tree plantings at Rhine Ordnance Barracks and on Smith Barracks in Baumholder. Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22 and is a celebration that honors the achievement of the Environmental movement and raises awareness of […]

April 28, 2023 ×


ABC in KMC: Walpurgisnacht — Witches’ Night

ABC in KMC: Walpurgisnacht — Witches’ Night

The night from April 30 to May 1 is known as “Walpurgisnacht,” so beware the “witches” are out there. It is not considered an official holiday but is still a noteworthy event for reasons that will become clear in a second. In German folklore Wal-pur-gis-nacht is heavily linked to witchcraft […]

April 28, 2023 ×


86th MDS celebrates 30 years of partnership with LRMC

86th MDS celebrates 30 years of partnership with LRMC

Ramstein Air Base’s 86th Medical Squadron celebrated 30 years of partnership with Landstuhl Regional Medical Center personnel during a cake cutting ceremony at LRMC, April 14. 86th MDS began their partnership with LMRC in 1993 after the hospital opened its doors to patrons in 1953. Airmen of the 86th MDS […]

April 28, 2023 ×


Ramstein Leadership Plant Trees for Earth Day

Ramstein Leadership Plant Trees for Earth Day

April 28, 2023 ×


Keeping Ramstein Air Base excellent

Keeping Ramstein Air Base excellent

Service members from across the Kaiserslautern military community participated in Installation Excellence Day on April 18-19, to clean and spruce up work centers and living spaces at their respective bases. Installation Excellence Day happens every year during Earth Week, said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Michael Wilson, event coordinator from […]

April 28, 2023 ×


86th AW Command Team assists CES in action

86th AW Command Team assists CES in action

April 28, 2023 ×

Features, Schools

Earth Day 2023

Earth Day 2023

April 28, 2023 ×


Recognition of Gold Star Spouses

Recognition of Gold Star Spouses

April 28, 2023 ×


Airlifter of the Week - April 28, 2023

Airlifter of the Week – April 28, 2023

April 28, 2023 ×