

Preventable men’s health problems

Preventable men’s health problems

June is Men’s Health month which promotes a variety of activities males can do to have healthier, more active lifestyles. It’s a common stereotype that men often ignore medical issues and put off going to the doctor. However, to help live a long and healthy life, getting regular check-ups can […]

June 25, 2021 ×


Staying safe throughout summer

Staying safe throughout summer

With summer heating up and COVID-19 restrictions loosening, the 86th Airlift Wing reminds Airmen and families to stay safe and vigilant while enjoying the season. Tech. Sgt. Edgar Sanchez, 86 AW safety Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of inspections and assessments, reports that for the past five years the Air Force […]

June 25, 2021 ×


Army senior medical leadership visits Europe

Army senior medical leadership visits Europe

by Kirk Frady
Regional Health Command Europe

The Army’s top medical leadership team visited Army medical facilities and medical personnel in Europe June 3-9. Lt. Gen. R. Scott Dingle, the Army Surgeon General and Commander of U.S. Army Medical Command, and Command Sgt. Maj. Diamond Hough, MEDCOM command sergeant major, toured Army medical facilities, and observed first-hand […]

June 17, 2021 ×


HOSPEX 21 demonstrates interoperability at highest levels

HOSPEX 21 demonstrates interoperability at highest levels

by Eleanor Prohaska
21st Theater Sustainment Command

On a balmy June day, blue skies above Baumholder Army Airfield, Germany, contrasted with the 519th Hospital Center/512th Field Hospital’s dark green tents. Planted in the pastoral landscape, the complex was a second home to many of the 400 troops who had prepared for months and trained onsite for weeks […]

June 17, 2021 ×


Medical Minute: Update on COVID situation, satellite pharmacy plan

Medical Minute: Update on COVID situation, satellite pharmacy plan

Thanks to the entire community for the collective prevention measures. We continue to do well in preventing the spread of COVID. Germany has vaccinated more than 40% of its population, and we have seen a great decrease in the overall incidence rate. The country overall is now 24 cases per […]

June 11, 2021 ×

Health, News

Taking expired medication could lead to disciplinary action

Taking expired medication could lead to disciplinary action

Public health officials in Europe are concerned about a recent trend of service members who have taken a controlled substance prescription more than six months after it was prescribed, resulting in a positive urinalysis, and something that could be subject to disciplinary action. “Department of Defense Instruction 1010.16, published in […]

June 11, 2021 ×


TRICARE health coverage options for young adults

Is your child graduating from college this year? Or, are they a recent graduate? This is typically a time of transitions, whether to a new job, home, or city. It’s also a time for many new graduates to transition to their own independent health care coverage. If your child is […]

June 11, 2021 ×


Public Health Command Europe  celebrates first anniversary of  COVID-19 surveillance testing

Public Health Command Europe celebrates first anniversary of COVID-19 surveillance testing

As much of Europe is in the midst of distributing the COVID-19 vaccine, asymptomatic testing of individuals continues to play a key role in reducing the spread of the virus. May marks the one-year anniversary of Public Health Command Europe’s Laboratory Sciences division standing up a laboratory section for COVID-19 […]

June 4, 2021 ×

Features, Health

Ramstein surpasses 20,000 doses

Ramstein surpasses 20,000 doses

May 28, 2021 ×


Medical Minute: Update on Pfizer vaccine for kids, fully vaccinated benefits

Medical Minute: Update on Pfizer vaccine for kids, fully vaccinated benefits

Lots of great news this week! First on the numbers front: Germany has seen a continual decrease over the last week or so in its case counts, and it’s currently at just under 80 per 100,000. Kaiserslautern followed the wave of increasing cases but is now on the downtrend as […]

May 21, 2021 ×