

Be a brain warrior during Brain Injury Awareness Month

Be a brain warrior during Brain Injury Awareness Month

A traumatic brain injury is defined as the disruption of normal brain function caused by a blow or jolt to the head, which can be from a blast wave or a physical impact. While such injuries do occur during deployments, they are even more common in garrison, due to athletics, […]

February 16, 2024 ×


How to prevent gum disease

How to prevent gum disease

Gingivitis is  the term used for inflamed gums, usually  resulting in red and puffy gums that may bleed when brushing and flossing. It is important to identify and treat gingivitis, because it can lead to gum disease and bone loss! Inflammation, such as gingivitis, is the body’s normal response to […]

February 9, 2024 ×


Forming healthier habits in 2024

Forming healthier habits in 2024

Most of us make resolutions on New Year’s Day and, despite our best intentions, give up on them well before the first of February. But did you know that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 6 months to make it a routine? If you start today, […]

January 26, 2024 ×


The art of healing: Creating a safe space for pediatric cancer patients

The art of healing: Creating a safe space for pediatric cancer patients

A voyage of discovery Like most aspiring artists, Sara C. Cantrell envisioned creating paintings, drawings, and sculptures that provoked curiosity and conversations. Seeking to make a career of her artistic talent — and leaning towards a career as an academic, she earned a bachelor’s in fine art from The South […]

January 19, 2024 ×


Ramstein hosts suicide awareness events

Ramstein hosts suicide awareness events

The 86th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron hosted a suicide awareness event for members of the Kaiserslautern Military Community at Ramstein Air Base, Nov. 18. The event was held to provide members of the KMC a forum to discuss suicide awareness after viewing a movie with mental health themes. The intent […]

December 1, 2023 ×


Five tips for a healthy winter workout

Five tips for a healthy winter workout

As the mercury continues its seasonal plunge, it’s easy to get out of your workout routine. It’s warm and toasty inside, and besides what’s a couple extra pounds during sweater weather, right? We all know better. Fitness is just as important during winter as it is the rest of the […]

December 1, 2023 ×


Snapping out of the winter blues: Five tips for battling seasonal depression

Snapping out of the winter blues: Five tips for battling seasonal depression

Well unfortunately for many of us, that just about hits the nail on the head. The beauty of autumn has passed, and all of the beautiful leaves have fallen from the trees and have been raked, bagged and tossed away. The air is colder and the days are darker. We […]

November 17, 2023 ×


Real life falls not a laughing matter; protect your body, ego

Real life falls not a laughing matter; protect your body, ego

TV and cartoons typically portray slips or falls as comical accidents. But falls are no laughing matter. Falls often cause injuries that require emergency room visits. ER visits can be for lacerations requiring stitches, concussions or head injury, sprained ankles, wrists or hands, or broken bones. While the Centers for […]

October 6, 2023 ×


Ramstein hosts healthcare symposium to inform beneficiaries

Ramstein hosts healthcare symposium to inform beneficiaries

October 6, 2023 ×


Prevent serious illness, get updated COVID-19, flu vaccines

Prevent serious illness, get updated COVID-19, flu vaccines

The fall and winter months tend to be the time when most people are sick with respiratory illnesses — though, these can happen anytime of the year. The 2023 season will be the first time that vaccines for the three viruses responsible for most hospitalizations — COVID-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virusopens […]

September 29, 2023 ×