
Features, Health

What should you know about your child’s first dental visit?

What should you know about your child’s first dental visit?

New parents often ask,

November 18, 2011 ×

Features, Health

Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is a disease where the body does not produce or properly use
insulin, a hormone that allows the body to use glucose for energy. 
Nearly 26 million children and adults in the U.S.

November 18, 2011 ×

Features, Health

Recognizing the symptoms of ADHD in children

by E. Wayne Combs
U.S. Army Public Health Command

Most healthy children occasionally have trouble sitting still, paying
attention or controlling impulses. Maybe you have noticed these
behaviors in your own children. That

September 30, 2011 ×

Features, Health

How much do you know about rabies?

Rabies is a virus that is normally spread by the bite of an infected
(rabid) animal. The virus is almost always fatal without proper
post-exposure treatment.

In Germany, including in the Rheinland-Pfalz area, the risk for rabies
is very low. Wild animals known to carry rabies in Germany are foxes and
bats. Rabies is still common in more than 150 countries, including in
stray dogs, cats and other wild animals. You can protect yourself and
your family by reducing your exposure to rabies and seeking care if

September 30, 2011 ×

Features, Health

ACE: Suicide prevention for the Army by the Army

by Lt. Col. Blain S. Walker
U.S. Army Public Health Command

Ask, Care, Escort, or ACE, training is the Army-approved suicide
prevention and awareness training model for all Soldiers, leaders and
Army civilians. It is also available to family members. 

September 16, 2011 ×

Features, Health

Breast-feeding: Taboo topic? Not for long

Breast-feeding: Taboo topic? Not for long

by Airman 1st Class Ciara M. Travis
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

“It’s all too often that breast-feeding is frowned upon in society, when in actuality, it should be praised,” said Rene Drake, Ramstein’s Mom2Mom program coordinator. This month is National Breast-feeding Awareness Month, the first week of which is World Breast-feeding Week. Several organizations around the KMC are coming together to […]

August 5, 2011 ×

Features, Health

Shedding Light on UV Safety

by Jennifer Davis
Health Promotion & Wellness Portfolio U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)

The summer season is upon us, and that means more swimming pools, more
beach time, more outdoor activities and best of all, more sunlight!
While some exposure to sunlight can be enjoyable, too much can be
dangerous. Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that can be harmful to our
skin, cause redness and sunburn and even cause skin cancer!

July 15, 2011 ×

Features, Health

CVS: the syndrome, not the store

by Maj. Anthony J. Jarecke
U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)

According to the American Optometric Association, Computer Vision
Syndrome is now considered the No. 1 occupational hazard of the 21st
Century. If you are surprised, you shouldn

April 15, 2011 ×

Features, Health

Health care options in the KMC — Do you know what they are?

Its 2 o

April 8, 2011 ×

Features, Health

Third-hand smoke: health hazard another reason to kick tobacco

By Karla Simon
U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)

Tobacco smoke has added a new potential danger to its list of hazards: third-hand smoke.

Most people know that first-hand smoke is inhaled directly by a smoker,
and second-hand smoke is the smoke passively breathed in by people near
someone smoking.

November 18, 2010 ×