by Airman 1st Class Ciara M. Travis
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
“It’s all too often that breast-feeding is frowned upon in society, when in actuality, it should be praised,” said Rene Drake, Ramstein’s Mom2Mom program coordinator. This month is National Breast-feeding Awareness Month, the first week of which is World Breast-feeding Week. Several organizations around the KMC are coming together to […]
August 5, 2011 ×
by Jennifer Davis
Health Promotion & Wellness Portfolio U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)
The summer season is upon us, and that means more swimming pools, more
beach time, more outdoor activities and best of all, more sunlight!
While some exposure to sunlight can be enjoyable, too much can be
dangerous. Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that can be harmful to our
skin, cause redness and sunburn and even cause skin cancer!
July 15, 2011 ×
by Maj. Anthony J. Jarecke
U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)
According to the American Optometric Association, Computer Vision
Syndrome is now considered the No. 1 occupational hazard of the 21st
Century. If you are surprised, you shouldn
April 15, 2011 ×
By Karla Simon
U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)
Tobacco smoke has added a new potential danger to its list of hazards: third-hand smoke.
Most people know that first-hand smoke is inhaled directly by a smoker,
and second-hand smoke is the smoke passively breathed in by people near
someone smoking.
November 18, 2010 ×
by Airman 1st Class Ciara M. Travis
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
“I like it on the dining room table,” reads a friend’s Facebook status. Does this sound familiar? While at first glance this statement may sound inappropriate, it’s actually part of a large campaign of women sharing where they place their purse. An addition to the traditional pink ribbons recognized throughout […]
October 22, 2010 ×
by Dr. Kira Mellups
86th Medical Group Behavioral Health Optimization Program psychologist
Got stress?
You might be stressed if:
1) Your blood pressure causes the machine at the drug store to break.
2) You want your three minute egg in two minutes.
May 14, 2010 ×
Courtesy of Ramstein Clinical Optometry
In recent months, the Ramstein Optometry Clinic has seen an upsurge of
contact lens-related eye infections. In most of these cases, patients
were wearing their lenses on an extended wear basis, for example,
sleeping in contact lenses, contrary to clinic recommendations for
daily wear of contact lenses. Contact lenses are among the safest forms
of vision correction, but only when patients follow the proper care and
wearing instructions provided by their eye doctor. When patients don
August 31, 2009 ×
by Senior Airman Amanda Dick
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
With the beginning of the school year right around the corner and flu
season starting in October, there is no better time than now to get
August 28, 2009 ×