

Want to avoid getting sick? Here are some tips to boost your immunity

Want to avoid getting sick? Here are some tips to boost your immunity

In the same way that wearing personal protective equipment like gloves, goggles, and masks can minimize your exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses, personal protective nutrition and lifestyle practices can do the same to boost your immunity. This is especially relevant this season, when a “tripledemic” […]

February 17, 2023 ×


Enhancing your child’s smile

Imagine this, you take time out of your incredibly busy day to take your small child to the dentist. You and your child are met with a barrage of playful tooth posters, colorful chairs too small to sit in, your mind jumps to skittles — tasting the rainbow — and […]

February 17, 2023 ×


Sesame workshop rolls out self-care content for Military families

Sesame workshop rolls out self-care content for Military families

Like many Americans, emotional well-being is something that many military families have said they’re struggling with since the pandemic started, according to Sesame Workshop, which works with the Defense Department to bring information to military families through its websites and free apps. In response to that, Sesame Workshop has launched […]

February 10, 2023 ×


Oral health, nutrition

Oral health, nutrition

Believe it or not, flossing and brushing your teeth aren’t the only things that help maintain a healthy smile. There is an interconnected relationship that exists between our oral health, diet, and nutrition. Poor diet during our adolescence could affect the development and growth of your pearly whites, as well […]

February 10, 2023 ×

Health, Sports

Sports safety tips from your dentist

  “Down, Set, Hike!” Americans all around the world will be tuning into the Big Game in just a few days. No matter what the reason may be to watch this highly anticipated game — hometown team, party food, or halftime performers — many of us simply love the tradition […]

February 3, 2023 ×


Donated blood saves lives

Donated blood saves lives

In recognition of National Blood Donor month in January, the Armed Services Blood Program reminds the military community about the importance of donating blood. “Blood is a critical tool to save lives and the need for blood is constant, from the patient undergoing emergency surgery to the person receiving treatment […]

February 3, 2023 ×


Public health nutritionist shares strategies, resources for meeting New Year weight loss goals

Public health nutritionist shares strategies, resources for meeting New Year weight loss goals

The New Year allows us to start fresh with a new calendar and new beginnings, which may prompt a resolution for a positive change in our behavior. A common New Year’s resolution for many people is to lose weight, but losing weight is not easy (as most of us know). […]

January 27, 2023 ×


DOD’s Safe Helpline has aided victims for a decade

DOD’s Safe Helpline has aided victims for a decade

For over a decade, the Defense Department’s Safe Helpline has provided a secure place for military survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones to get support and information 24/7. The Safe Helpline staff is uniquely trained to provide specialized support to survivors in the military and can help connect […]

January 27, 2023 ×


Why less sunlight in wintertime can put you at risk of depression

Why less sunlight in wintertime can put you at risk of depression

During winter months at Fort Wainwright in Alaska, the sun comes up around 10 a.m. and sets a little bit before 3 p.m. Along with the frigid weather, the extended darkness creates an increased risk of depression and other mental health problems. That’s why at installations like Fort Wainwright, military […]

January 20, 2023 ×


Fun activities that improve child development

Fun activities that improve child development

Did you know that simple, active play helps your child’s development? It’s true. In addition to basic fitness, active play improves concentration, coordination, learning, social skills and much more. Though your family may already have some favorite activities, see below for more ideas and how they help with development. Play […]

January 20, 2023 ×