KMC Notices

KMC Notices

The housing hype

Sponsors: Housing Office In-Processing Update If you’re sponsoring a new arrival assigned to the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC), there is a requirement to have housing eligible(s) in-process with the KMC Housing Office.  However, because of the current situation associated with the COVID-19 virus, the Housing Office is offering a virtual […]

June 18, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The housing hype

Top 10 tidbits for housing residents As COVID-19 restrictions evolve, the KMC Housing Office is dedicated to assisting you with friendly reminders to help with your home responsibilities. These tidbits should assist you with caring for your home, whether you’re on or off-base. On base 1. Remember not to hang […]

June 11, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The housing hype

HOUSING OCCUPANT: It is your responsibility to report damages caused by your moving agent If damages occur to on-base housing, to include common areas, during your household goods delivery and/or pickup, please contact the KMC Housing Office Facilities Section and report the damage along with the name of the delivery […]

June 4, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

Future Perspective Rheinland-Palatinate

Future Perspective Rheinland-Palatinate

May 28, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The Housing Hype

SPONSORS: Housing Office In-Processing Update If you’re a sponsor for a new arrival assigned to the Kaiserslautern Military Community, there is a requirement to have housing eligible(s) in-process with the KMC Housing Office. However, because of COVID-19, the Housing Office is currently operating with virtual appointments. We will still provide […]

May 28, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The Housing Hype

Newly assigned to the Kaiserslautern Military Community or getting ready to PCS? You’re not alone! The Furnishings Management Section is dedicated to making your PCS transition comfortable until your furniture arrives or as you are getting ready to depart for your next PCS move. Remember, you be able to keep […]

May 21, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The Housing Hype

Tenant’s Standards of Conduct, living off-base During COVID-19, be safe and sanitize! As a reminder, all DOD personnel and their dependents, while occupying off-base housing, are responsible for abiding by all local laws and ordinances and the provisions of the lease and rental agreements, which are binding contracts. The following […]

May 14, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The housing hype

Mold — a health risk in your home The health and safety of our residents is a top concern for the KMC Housing Office. A top priority to you is, “to provide our housing residents with a safe living environment.” In Germany, mold can often be found both indoors and […]

May 7, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The housing hype

So where do you take these oversized items? Reuse and recycling are key to tackling the bulk trash waste problem and to foster a more circular economy in the COVID-19 crisis. There are three bulk recycling collection points for Military Family Housing residents to use: Ramstein Recycle Center Bldg# 2045, […]

April 30, 2020 ×

KMC Notices

The housing hype

Military Family Housing (MFH) Self-Help Stores remain open SELF-HELP STORE Routine home maintenance continues to be a resident responsibility. Please do your part to maintain your home, while maintaining physical distancing. Below is a small selection of the 100 + items that can be found in the MFH Self-Help Stores […]

April 23, 2020 ×