

Have you been naughty or nice?

by Annie Valentine Contributing writer

Children all over the world are counting the days until Santa Claus makes his big appearance. But more importantly, they all know he is watching. Santa sees everything.

November 24, 2016 ×


Man on the street: What is your favorite holiday movie?

Man on the street: What is your favorite holiday movie?

Interviews and photos by Thomas Warner Contributing writer
November 24, 2016 ×


Make the most of winter squash season

by Ashley Dobson Contributing writer

It’s winter squash season in Germany. Known as Kürbis, the same German word used for pumpkin, you can find several varieties filling the baskets at any local grocery store or commissary and lining the stands at the famers markets around town.

November 24, 2016 ×


Staff Sgt. Jon Garrett and his wife, Daniela, pose with students at their martial arts school, Legacy Sports School, in Mackenback. Jon and Dani currently offer a wide range of classes, including taekwondo and mixed martial arts.

A Fighting Family: Two cultures become one

Story and photo by Azure Hall Contributing Writer

Military service overseas leads to the intermingling of cultures, culture shock and sometimes love. Finding love was the case for one Air Force couple stationed in Germany, and it has led to quite a few fights between the two of them.

November 24, 2016 ×


Upcoming 2017 German Holidays

Upcoming 2017 German Holidays

by Azure Hall Contributing writer

Living abroad can be complicated. Shopping, traveling and working overseas can be vastly different from life in the United States. One way to simplify the transition is knowledge and understanding of local and national holidays in Germany. Many German holidays are based on religious or traditional beliefs. While some overlap with American holidays, others may be unfamiliar. Here is a list of upcoming 2017 German national and Rheinland-Pfalz-specific holidays.

November 24, 2016 ×


The Drink of the Season

by Nicole Karsch-Meibom Contributing writer

In a few plain words, glühwein is a mulled wine — a wine combined with spices and typically served warm.

November 24, 2016 ×


Nearby Christmas markets to checkout this season

by Katie F. Boltuch Contributing writer

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holidays are upon us and approaching quickly. The good thing is, when it comes to Christmas and the holidays, Germany has got you covered. Christmas is one of its biggest holiday seasons. It’s so big and special, they actually start celebrating anywhere from four to five weeks ahead of the actual day. Because Germans celebrate Advent, most of the “Weihnachtmarkts,” or “Christmas markets,” start around the end of November.

November 24, 2016 ×


Throwing the Perfect Party: New Year’s Eve Edition

by Azure Hall Contributing writer

New Year’s Eve, or “Silvester” as the Germans say, is a popular holiday for celebrations around the world. However, the combination of post-December holiday exhaustion, a late night out, champagne drinking-induced dehydration and midnight snack cravings can ruin a good party faster than the Times Square ball can drop. Here are some helpful tips to keep your guests hydrated, fed and happy.

November 24, 2016 ×


Selecting a meaningful holiday gift

by Katie F. Boltuch Contributing writer

The holiday season is upon us, which means it’s time to start thinking about what to get your spouse or loved ones. If you’re like me, you have that one family member who is simply impossible to buy for. Does “I don’t need anything this year, just you” sound familiar?

November 24, 2016 ×


Photos by Cheryl Koller

The Underground Christmas Market

by Katie F. Boltuch Contributing writer

Maybe this is your first Christmas market season in Germany or maybe you feel like you’ve visited every one you can handle. What if I told you about one that is underground? When I say underground I don’t mean it’s a secret. I mean it is literally in caves!

November 24, 2016 ×