

Beautiful bike trails in Kaiserslautern Area

Beautiful bike trails in Kaiserslautern Area

Take advantage of the bike trails while you are in Germany! There is no need to find a specific trail, or do a special route. Those are fun, but one of the most rewarding experiences is finding out where you can go from your house. The trails are well signposted […]

February 24, 2023 ×


Pfaelzer Waldpfad hiking trail — time to get out and about

Pfaelzer Waldpfad hiking trail — time to get out and about

Now that spring is peeking around the corner, it’s time to get out to exercise, don your hiking gear and experience nature at its best. Germany has spectacular rock formations, deeply incised valleys and pristine forest as far as the eye can see. The 143 kilometer-long Pfaelzer Waldpfad is the […]

February 24, 2023 ×


Discover the Beauty of Metz, France

Discover the Beauty of Metz, France

Just west of Kaiserslautern lies the charming city of Metz, France. With just a short drive, you can discover culture, authentic French cuisine, antique buildings, contemporary art, designer boutiques, musicals, plays at one of the oldest opera theaters in Europe, and more! Metz at a glance Metz is situated near […]

February 17, 2023 ×


Lübeck — Queen of harbors

Lübeck — Queen of harbors

Whether you are stationed in the KMC, Wiesbaden or Stuttgart — there are many day trips you can enjoy without going too far. However, if you fancy stretching your legs a little further and discovering a little more about famous cities in Germany, then visiting Lübeck is the trip for […]

February 9, 2023 ×


Everything you need to know about Carnival in Germany

Everything you need to know about Carnival in Germany

Celebrated in February, Fasching is a traditional German celebration — also known as Karneval or Fastnacht. It is carnival season, which has been celebrated for centuries by people worldwide who have German heritage. It’s utterly bonkers and terrific fun — get involved! Fasching can be documented back to pre-Roman times. […]

February 3, 2023 ×


Winter city destinations

Winter city destinations

There is no question that winter has arrived in Germany. With that never-ending gray sky, the chilly temps, and the wet rain or snow on the ground, it is easy to just close the front door, kick off those boots, and climb onto the couch with a blanket and the […]

January 27, 2023 ×


Seven ways to stay active through winter

Seven ways to stay active through winter

Winter is the perfect time to hibernate. The shorter days and dark, cold mornings conspire to make you want to ditch any plans you might have had to work out in favor of another hour of blissful sleep in the toasty cocoon of your blanket. But you’re not a grizzly […]

January 20, 2023 ×


Ten spectacular sights in winterly Bavaria

Ten spectacular sights in winterly Bavaria

The beautiful state of Bavaria is probably the most well-known German state throughout the world, and with good reason. But it is perhaps during the winter that this enchanting state really glistens. From snow-topped Bavarian Alps in the south to frozen lakes in the north and snow-covered forests in the […]

January 13, 2023 ×

Health, Lifestyle

Forming healthier habits in new year

Forming healthier habits in new year

Most of us make resolutions on New Year’s Day and, despite our best intentions, give up on them well before the first of February. But did you know that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 6 months to make it a routine? If you start today, […]

January 6, 2023 ×


State of the art: Rheinland-Pfalz

State of the art: Rheinland-Pfalz

Many members of the Kaiserslautern Military Community have found temporary or even permanent homes in one of the many villages and towns surrounding Kaiserslautern in the heart of Rheinland-Pfalz. You may already be familiar with your immediate vicinity, but there is much more to explore and experience at your “home […]

January 6, 2023 ×