

Graphic by Bobb Klissourski/

Prepare your vehicle for warmer weather

by Thomas Warner Contributing Writer

Spring is here, which of course means spring cleaning. But spring cleaning is not, and should not be, limited to your home…

March 24, 2016 ×


Tracy Villano
“I had a great time on a trip to Croatia, but my favorite city is probably Prague. It is really clean, and it’s easy to travel around there (and) walk around. The city of Prague is well designed, and it’s easy to navigate; you don’t get lost walking down the little side streets. It’s beautiful there, and (Alfons) Mucha, one of my favorite artists, has a huge exhibit with his Slav Epic paintings and other things he did housed at his museum there.”

MAN ON THE STREET: What is your favorite European city?

Interviews and photos by Thomas Warner, Contributing writer
March 24, 2016 ×


Budget-friendly trips everyone can enjoy

by Katie F. Boltuch Contributing writer

One of the biggest concerns when planning any kind of trip is money. A 2013 CNN Global Tourism survey found that nearly 60 percent of people decide vacation destinations and activities based on price. Traveling can be expensive whether you’re single, attached or bringing the whole family. If you’re looking for a few unexpected locations that’ll give you a great vacation at minimal expense, the following five destinations might be just what you’re looking for.

March 24, 2016 ×


Graphic by EtherMary/

Gardening in pots

by Megan Finley, Contributing writer

For years, I have dreamed about having my own beautiful garden with the healthiest, most beautiful vegetables. Despite the fact that I do not have much of a green thumb, I have committed to giving it a shot this year. After doing a bit of research, I have decided growing my vegetables in pots is the more reasonable choice for me. Many people choose to grow their vegetables in pots for a variety of reasons, including:

March 24, 2016 ×


Photo by Vladimir Gjorgiev/

Beware of Germany’s dancing ban

by Ashley Dobson Contributing writer

For one weekend each year, Germany is transformed into the fictional town of Bomont from the movie “Footloose.”

March 24, 2016 ×


Photo by Maridav/

Live a purposeful life: 5 simple steps to help you grow as a person

by Megan Finley, Contributing writer

Many of us get caught up in the daily motions of life and “punching a clock.” We find ourselves in the same routine, doing the same things day in and day out. Many of us find ourselves getting caught up in the monotony of life. Before too long, we find ourselves asking the questions, “What am I doing? Where am I going?” It can feel as though you are investing a tremendous amount of effort in going nowhere fast. The secret to breaking free of this cycle and achieving your goals is to get started. These 5 steps will help you set your goals, grow as a person, and reap the most rewards from life.

March 24, 2016 ×


Graphic by graphic-line/

Family, fitness and fun this spring

by Amie LaSalvia Contributing writer

Spring is a great time of the year! The flowers begin to blossom, it starts to get warmer, the evenings are longer to enjoy, and so much more. With winter officially behind us now, it is a great opportunity to spend time with your family and have some great fun outdoors, while keeping fit. Though there are too many to list, below I have outlined some of my favorite local springtime family activities.

March 24, 2016 ×


You are not alone: Stories from military spouses

by Katie F. Boltuch Contributing writer

Single to married. Ridin’ solo to two’s company. Becoming a new spouse does more than change the semantics of your relationship. It can change your way of life, living situation and home address. But precede ‘spouse’ with the word ‘military,’ and you might find more change than ever expected.

March 24, 2016 ×


Grapich by dizain/

Add fulfillment to your life

by Megan Finley Contributing writer

Are you looking for a new fulfilling activity in life? Have you ever considered becoming a volunteer? Many people volunteer for a variety of different reasons. Some want to gain experience, learn new skills, network or gain contacts to start a new career. Others volunteer as a way to contribute to growth and change in their own community. And some are just looking for unique ways of giving back. Regardless of the reason, volunteering has proven to reduce stress and make people healthier. Volunteer work promotes optimism and has proven to strengthen the immune system. People that volunteer are happier people. Volunteering strengthens community relationships and builds empathy.

March 24, 2016 ×


Photo by Thomas & Mercer

Get your thrill on this spring

by Ashley Dobson Contributing writer

From hand painted eggs to religious ceremonies, there are a lot of traditions that spring to mind for the Easter holiday. But there is one Norwegian tradition that probably hasn’t made its way to your house yet: Easter thrillers.

March 24, 2016 ×