
Events, Lifestyle

Community events

Army Fitness Centers available: Active duty members of all branches now have access to the Army fitness facilities throughout the Baumholder and Kaiserslautern areas with each facility having individual capacity rules and hours. To keep up to date with the most recent information concerning hours of operation, capacity and more, […]

July 9, 2020 ×


Poster by LEONINE Distribution

Cinema & home cinema highlights

Movies available on the silver screen at Broadway Kino in English! Action, Comedy Guns Akimbo (2020) A guy relies on his newly-acquired gladiator skills to save his ex-girlfriend from kidnappers.                                          […]

July 9, 2020 ×


When the temperatures rise, Luisenpark is a popular place for Mannheim visitors to picnic, play or just to kick back and relax.

Family Fun at Luisenpark

If you are anything like myself, then you might feel a little giddy every time you look at the weekend weather forecast and see a glorious prediction of mild temperatures and sunshine. 

July 1, 2020 ×


Biking adventures in the Pfälzer Bergland

Biking from village to village in the areas surrounding the KMC and Baumholder can be challenging and a little frustrating during weekend and holiday traffic times when you have to share roadways with cars and trucks that zip around you to pass.

July 1, 2020 ×


Berchtesgaden National Park
Photo by Gaspar Janos /

Explore Germany’s National Parks

Germany has many fascinating cities to explore, but you are missing out on some of the country’s most awe-inspiring sights if you don’t venture out into the wild.

July 1, 2020 ×


Photo by Andrey Armyagov /

Johanniskreuz: A hot spot in the woods

If you’re a motorcycle enthusiast, you’re probably either in heaven now that you live in Germany, or you’re intimidated. If you’re intimidated, don’t be.

July 1, 2020 ×


Gutenberg Museum in Mainz
Photo by Scirocco340/

Mainz museums

Most people who have spent any amount of time in the Rhein-Main region know Mainz as a famous party town — a university city known for its annual bout of carnival madness during the Fasching season.

July 1, 2020 ×


Photo by Thomas Nunold /

Get lost in the Pfalz

The Nature Park of the Palatine Forest was created to protect the landscape for the leisure of the people in the surrounding cities, said Arno Weiss, the deputy director of the Naturpark Pfaelzerwald. The entire area is protected to maintain its diversity, uniqueness and beauty — and it’s still an […]

July 1, 2020 ×


Photo by Alexander Raths /

German BBQ recipes

Germans love a good summer barbecue as much as Americans do. What they put on their plates doesn’t exactly resemble hot dogs, burgers and co.

July 1, 2020 ×


Marksburg castle by Braubach near Koblenz. Photo by fokke baarssen/

Experience the beautiful Rhine River

The Rhine River offers a magical German experience with its breathtaking scenery, half-timbered houses, historic castles, dramatic hillsides and delicious wines.

July 1, 2020 ×