
Health, Lifestyle

Photo by Dirima/

Spring is here…Let’s get moving!

Tell me if this sounds familiar: “My bathing suit is telling me, ‘Get off the couch and get yourself in that gym.’ But my sweatpants are like, ‘Come on in, there’s plenty of room!’”

April 9, 2020 ×


Photo by Poznyakov /

Springtime Crafts: What to do once you’ve dyed all the eggs

The Easter holiday means a break from homeschooling. Rather than give them over to the television, spend this break being creative with the little ones.

April 9, 2020 ×


Photo by Anastasia_Panait /

Easter-themed desserts for everyone

Easter is just around the corner and in Germany, a plentiful Easter buffet with a selection of sweets is a must. Here are three recipes in which you can easily involve your whole family.

April 9, 2020 ×


Poster by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

Home cinema highlights

Now’s the time to stream or rent some of the all-time classics! These are just a few — Part 2

April 2, 2020 ×


Photo by a9photo /

Asparagus season is coming up!

Asparagus wrapped in Kraeuterflaedle (herb pancakes) and Ham

April 2, 2020 ×


Sweeping your chimney can bring good luck

Sweeping your chimney can bring good luck

Your house requires a lot of maintenance to keep it up to snuff. Whether you are a renter or owner, there are some standard maintenance chores that need to be taken care of every year, like trimming the hedges, cleaning out the rain gutters and getting your chimney swept.

April 2, 2020 ×


Germans observe various Easter traditions

Germans observe various Easter traditions

Easter holidays are just around the corner. In Germany, Easter week starts with Holy Thursday, which Germans call “Gründonnerstag,” or green Thursday.

April 2, 2020 ×


Photo by Bohbeh/

Traveling without traveling

For those of us who have decided to “shelter in place” for the foreseeable future, here are a few tips to keep you entertained, maybe even educate a little, and all-around help fight off boredom.

March 26, 2020 ×


Photo by XXLPhoto/

Driving in Germany

The German equivalent of AAA (American Automobile Association) is ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club). ADAC offers many services for drivers, the most visible of which are the yellow road patrols throughout Germany.

March 26, 2020 ×


Poster by Jensen Farley Pictures

Home cinema highlights

Now’s the time to stream or rent some of the all-time classics! These are just a few …
Check your streaming service for availability.

March 26, 2020 ×