

What is your story?

by Senior Airman Timothy Moore
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

As a photojournalist for the U.S. Air Force, I have been exposed to and documented many aspects of the military, and I get to see how everything comes together.

January 15, 2015 ×


Looking forward to a great 2015

by Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente
86th Airlift Wing commander

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have the greatest job in the Air Force. I have a front row seat to witness amazing work accomplished daily by the men and women of Team Ramstein, and I’m looking forward to the accomplishments we will achieve together in 2015.

January 8, 2015 ×


Santa’s lean workshop

by Col. Raymond Briggs
86th Maintenance Group commander

I’ve been to Toyota, Caterpillar, John Deere, Standard Aero, Wal-Mart and many other industries to study their streamlined processes, also known as their lean manufacturing processes, but the one factory I’d love to see as the pinnacle of lean operations is Santa’s workshop in the North Pole.

December 18, 2014 ×


Shift Happens: adapt, overcome

by Maj. Ryan Anderson
86th Materiel Maintenance Squadron commander

Military life pushes us and our families toward all sorts of great opportunities, but sometimes these sudden shifts are unwelcome, unwanted and completely unexpected.

December 11, 2014 ×


To innovate, we can’t be afraid to fail

by Col. Robert Novotny
48th Fighter Wing commander

“Throughout history, people with new ideas — who think differently and try to change things — have always been called troublemakers.” — Richelle Mead, author.

December 4, 2014 ×


Daughter, Sister, Airman

by Senior Airman Hailey Haux
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

I am an Airman in the U.S. Air Force. I am also a niece, cousin, sister and daughter.

November 20, 2014 ×


Your computer needs a nap

by 2nd Lt. Kyle Massey
86th Communications Squadron

Your computer is your friend, confidant, procrastination enabler and productivity partner. It can be moody at times, but the trait we usually notice most about our digital partner is its speed.

November 20, 2014 ×


Taking a stand: Help win fight against sexual assault

by Gen. Larry O. Spencer
Air Force vice chief of staff

Just as Airmen broke the sound barrier and pioneered new paths to space, Airmen will pioneer new ways to prevent sexual assault in the Air Force.

November 13, 2014 ×


People and vehicles wait to cross the border at Checkpoint Charlie Nov. 9, 1989, on the Berlin Wall. The building on the left is now the Checkpoint Charlie museum.

US student sees Berlin Wall come down

Story and photo by Dr. Linda Steil
Warrior Transition Battalion-Europe, A Company

In 1961, the Berlin Wall was built and separated families and friends between East and West Berlin.
East German officials claimed the wall was erected to protect their borders from attacks by imperialists. West Germans saw the wall as a political statement used to permanently separate East Germany from West Germany.

November 6, 2014 ×


Courtesy photoSenior Airman Giovanni Pinzon (top left), former 86th Munitions Squadron conventional maintenance crew chief, lounges outside a hostel common area with friends after a recent trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. Pinzon is an advocate of frequent travels as a way to increase morale.

Airmen moving up, moving out, moving on

by Senior Airman Jordan Castelan
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

There are many different ways people can leave the nest: some people plan for years, some make a sudden jump and some are forced out.

October 30, 2014 ×