

Ready, set, compliant, go

by Col. Scott T. Fike
86th Maintenance Group commander

What exactly does it mean to be really ready? 

We are routinely afforded opportunities to demonstrate our readiness to external visiting higher headquarters inspection teams.

October 7, 2011 ×


‘So Others May Roll’

by Tech. Sgt. Michael Serrano
86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron

From getting settled at Ramstein to road tripping across Europe, one
common denominator can make or break your overseas experience

September 30, 2011 ×


Know your fellow Airman; It could save a life

by Col. Daniel E. Reiser
86th Medical Operations Squadron commander

September is Suicide Prevention Month and I wanted to share a couple of
principles that I feel every Airman should know as it relates to suicide

September 23, 2011 ×


Cultural awareness: a key element to mission success

by Senior Master Sgt. Natalie Bell
86th Airlift Wing Equal Opportunity office

You have arrived to your first Africa Command assignment in the country
of Nigeria. 

September 16, 2011 ×


AF member describes memory of 9/11

by Tech. Sgt. Monica M. Pubillones
ATC Watch Supervisor, 86th Operations Support Squadron

I look at my life as a sound track, and a song that describes my life
during the 9/11 terrorist attacks would be

September 9, 2011 ×


‘Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning’

by Maj. Jeffery Bridges
17th Air Force

When discussing 9/11, the most common question among Americans is

September 9, 2011 ×


Why did you swear?

Why did you swear?

by Lt. Col. Tony Schenk
76th Airlift Squadron commander

“Tribe three-zero, runway one seven right, winds one-nine-zero at 10 knots, cleared for takeoff.” We ran the lineup checklist as we taxied onto the runway as lead of a three-ship C-17 formation. As we applied takeoff power, all radios seemed to scream at once, command post, ground, tower ― all […]

September 9, 2011 ×


A Labor Day salute to our everyday heroes

by Col. Mike Monson
86th Airlift Wing Mission Support Group commander

As we celebrate Labor Day Monday, I encourage you to reflect on what the
day means to you. Beyond marking the traditional end of summer, the
start of the NFL regular season and the last day my wife can fashionably
wear white, Labor Day, which was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, is a
way to recognize the hard work and labor of union employees. 

September 2, 2011 ×


Finding the meaning in our military oath

by Col. Doug Hammer
86th Civil Engineer Group commander

Every day in our great nation a small but proud minority of its sons and
daughters raise their right hands and swear to

August 26, 2011 ×


Superior Airmen, professional warriors

by Lt. Col. Matthew Douglas
86th Maintenance Squadron commander

What exactly does it mean to be a superior Airman and professional warrior?

Put these concepts together and you have the total Airman

August 19, 2011 ×