by Brig. Gen. Mark Dillon
86th Airlift Wing commander
Today, the U.S. Air Force celebrates its 62nd birthday and its proud
heritage of providing unrivaled air, space and cyber capabilities to
our nation.
On Sept. 18, 1947, our Air Force became a separate branch of the military, signifying the commitment of the American people to
leverage the most precise and reliable technology available for our defense in the air.
September 18, 2009 ×
by Gen. Roger Brady
CC-Air Ramstein commander
When Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined together in their accession
to NATO in 2004, the alliance
September 18, 2009 ×
by Brig. Gen. Mark Dillon
86th Airlift Wing commander
During my 25 years in the Air Force, I
September 11, 2009 ×
by Brig. Gen. Mark Dillon
KMC and 86th Airlift Wing commander
As I conclude my first month of command, I
September 4, 2009 ×
by Maj. Chuck Unruh
U.S. Army Health Clinic Kaiserslautern
Health screening and tests save lives and are a crucial part of
preventive health care. These tests can help ensure that common,
serious diseases and conditions are detected and treated early.
August 28, 2009 ×
by Capt. Patrick Schwomeyer and Capt. Todd Fanniff
Ramstein Area Defense Counsel
You are in an interview room face-to-face with agents of the Office of
Special Investigations or members of the security police. You are
suspected of committing a crime.
August 28, 2009 ×
by Gen. Roger Brady
U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander
Not every aspect of leadership is fun. Suicide is a reality leaders must deal with that is both sad and frustrating.
August 28, 2009 ×
by Lt. Col. Dwayne McCullion
39th Civil Engineer Squadron, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey
Making a difference in today
August 21, 2009 ×
by Gen. Roger A. Brady
U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander
The world in which we live and work is more dynamic, complex,
technology dependent and remotely managed than ever before, but we
still need analog leadership in a digital world.
August 14, 2009 ×