

History of the POW/MIA flag by the Defense of War/Mission Personnel Office

History of the POW/MIA flag by the Defense of War/Mission Personnel Office

In 1971, Michael Hoff, an MIA wife and member of the National League of
Families, recognized the need for a symbol for our prisoners of war and
missing in action.

September 11, 2009 ×


A day to reaffirm commitment, honor sacrifice

by Brig. Gen. Mark Dillon
86th Airlift Wing commander

During my 25 years in the Air Force, I

September 11, 2009 ×


Commander’s welcome, reflection

by Brig. Gen. Mark Dillon
KMC and 86th Airlift Wing commander

As I conclude my first month of command, I

September 4, 2009 ×


Screenings are the key to disease management

by Maj. Chuck Unruh
U.S. Army Health Clinic Kaiserslautern

Health screening and tests save lives and are a crucial part of
preventive health care. These tests can help ensure that common,
serious diseases and conditions are detected and treated early.

August 28, 2009 ×


Silence is golden: Article 31 rights explained

by Capt. Patrick Schwomeyer and Capt. Todd Fanniff
Ramstein Area Defense Counsel

You are in an interview room face-to-face with agents of the Office of
Special Investigations or members of the security police. You are
suspected of committing a crime.

August 28, 2009 ×


Dealing with the reality of suicide

by Gen. Roger Brady
U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander

Not every aspect of leadership is fun. Suicide is a reality leaders must deal with that is both sad and frustrating.

August 28, 2009 ×


Make a difference in today’s world

by Lt. Col. Dwayne McCullion
39th Civil Engineer Squadron, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey

Making a difference in today

August 21, 2009 ×


Leadership in challenging times

by Gen. Roger A. Brady
U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander

The world in which we live and work is more dynamic, complex,
technology dependent and remotely managed than ever before, but we
still need analog leadership in a digital world.

August 14, 2009 ×


Air Force culture of responsibility

Air Force culture of responsibility

by Gen. Roger A. Brady
U.S. Air Forces in Europe commander

As Airmen, we have taken a solemn vow to serve and protect our nation,
and I commend you for your service. With that service, however, comes
great responsibility and the necessity to make proper choices.

August 7, 2009 ×


Farewell Team Ramstein, Greater KMC

by Brig. Gen. Bill Bender
86th Airlift Wing and KMC commander

As my time as wing commander for Ramstein Air Base and the KMC draws to
an end, I want to thank the entire base and local community for their
unwavering support of the base and the U.S. service men and women and
family members who are so fortunate to be assigned here.

July 24, 2009 ×