

Donations make priceless difference

by Lt. Col. David Young
386th Security Forces Squadron commander

Sometimes we in the military may forget the real people behind those
Combined Federal Campaign donations. Somehow it gets detached during
the drive.

October 31, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Col. Don

QFrom my understanding, most bases that have pools normally allow for free lap swimming in the morning for military members. However, the new Ramstein Aquatic Center requires military members to pay to lap swim. Just like the fitness center is available for exercise at no cost, shouldn’t the RAC also […]

October 24, 2008 ×


Three Glasses of Wine

Three Glasses of Wine

Commentary by David West

***image1***The following poem was written after the author was charged with a DUI. He wrote this poem to reflect on his actions and share his story with others so they may learn from his mistake.   Today, it sits in Schedwelbach and stares out the window, At the two cars […]

October 24, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Col. Don

Q I’ve noticed a number of people speeding in the Ramstein housing area. The traffic congestion from the lack of parking, school buses and construction also makes it difficult for drivers to see children. With school back in session, it makes me nervous to let my child walk with her […]

October 17, 2008 ×


A day in the life of a smoker

by Christine June < /a>U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

My alarms are blasting. I stumble out of bed, turn off the noisy alarms
and, with half-shut eyes, I go onto my balcony for the first cigarette
of the day. Actually, it

October 17, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Col. Don

QWhy can we not take items from base recycling centers if we want to put them to good use?  I used to get wood from the wood bin and use this wood to make new items, because wood is expensive and of course this is a form of recycling. I […]

October 10, 2008 ×


With so many resources, help is just a call away

by Capt. Rochelle Smith
376th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron commander


October 10, 2008 ×


Your vote counts: The country you save, may be your own

by Christine June < /a>U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern

Sitting conspicuously alone at a Vietnamese restaurant, I was waiting
for my friend, Nah, who was born in Vietnam. She was late as usual and
when she eventually showed, it was with an apologetic smile and a

October 3, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line_26

Q Why is the Ramstein Arts and Crafts Center not handicapped-accessible? The activities that go on in the Arts and Crafts Center certainly could improve the quality of life for disabled persons. A  I  know firsthand this is an important issue – several in my family have had to rely […]

September 26, 2008 ×


Teamwork is the recipe for success

Teamwork is the recipe for success

by Senior Airman Joubert Leon
1st Combat Communications Squadron

I am a voice systems journeyman assigned to the 1st Combat
Commun-ications Squadron on Ramstein. My duties include operating and
maintaining tactical communications equipment such as a deployable
telephone switch called a Basic Access Module and a Global Broadcast
System. I recently returned from a deployment that forced me to step
out of my communications comfort zone and threw me into the world of
force protection.

September 26, 2008 ×