

Commander’s Action Line_08

Q Housing residents on Ramstein have been told that portable air conditioning units are not authorized. However, when I drive around the KMC, I see base agencies using A/C units. Why can some offices use these units, but not base housing residents? A Thank you for this well-timed question … […]

August 8, 2008 ×


Unsafe motorcycle riding must stop

by Maj. Gen. Yves J. Fontaine
21st Theater Sustainment Command Commanding General

Too many times, I am driving down the road and I see a motorcyclist who
is not wearing the proper gear, is moving too fast for the road
conditions or is passing unsafely.

August 8, 2008 ×


Reflecting on my 3rd Air Force tenure

by Chief Master Sgt. Martin Klukas
3rd Air Force Command Chief Master

Sergeant 3rd Air Force Warriors, First and foremost, it

August 1, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line_01

Q On two occasions, I havebeen turned away from the Rhineland Inn Dining facility for bringing my family members with me. What is the base policy? A Air Force-appropriated dining facilities are primarilyintended to provide a quality and nutritious meal to the meal card holders that are not receiving basic […]

August 1, 2008 ×


Leadership of NCOs is essential

Commentary by Senior Airman Daniel Burton
1st Combat Communications Squadron

The transition from the Airman tier to the non-commissioned officer
tier can be one of the most challenging, yet exciting, events for an
Airman in today

July 25, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line

Col. Don

Q: I am
fortunate enough to live in the new housing on Ramstein. About a month
and a half ago, I noticed that one street light in front of my unit was

inoperable. Now there are several on the street that don

July 25, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line_18

Q I know the military continually has problems with people drinking and driving, and was wondering how many of these happen at on-base establishments? If many do happen at on-base facilities, would it be legal to place a breathalyzer machine in each facility? A Thank you very much for your […]

July 18, 2008 ×


We need to fight terrorism together

by Anthony Jackson
Antiterrorism and Force Protection Office

The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were acts of war against the
United States of America and its allies and against the concept of
civilized society. The enemy is not one person; it is not a single
political regime. The enemy is terrorism.

July 18, 2008 ×


Commander’s Action Line_11

Commander’s Action Line_11

***image1***QWhy is the Sembach Commissary closed on Monday and Tuesday each week? The majority of the population at Sembach work here Monday through Friday and we need the commissary open during the work week.   AThe Sembach community continues to be in a state of transition, which has caused consternation […]

July 11, 2008 ×


What kind of supervisor are you?

by Chief Master Sgt. Marc Rodriguez
Air Combat Command first sergeant

As a new first sergeant at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., I was at a
staff meeting when a chief, the mission support group superintendent
and great personal

mentor, gave us a heads-up about a small trash detail requirement to
clean up after the Fourth of July fireworks display. As we filed out at
the end of the meeting, I made what I considered an innocent, trivial
remark to the chief.

July 11, 2008 ×