

Commentary: Flip the script

When the clock tolled midnight and the calendar flipped to a new year last month, I know I was not alone in my eagerness to say, “Good riddance!” to 2020 — a most challenging and dismal year in many ways. We are all too familiar with the litany of hurdles […]

February 5, 2021 ×


Commentary: leading through adversity

Commentary: leading through adversity

Am I the only one that thought 2020 was a crazy, yet revealing year? From the COVID-19 pandemic, the wildfires that plagued Australia, the missile attack on Balad Air Base, the untimely death of the great Kobe Bryant, to the numerous protests of the racial injustice that struck the United […]

January 29, 2021 ×


Commentary: Pearls of leadership philosophy

Commentary: Pearls of leadership philosophy

I’ve been in positions of leadership most of my career, and during those years, I’ve learned extensively about the difference, in my opinion, between a bad leader and a good leader. Some of those lessons I learned the hard way, through trial and error and humbly overcoming those mistakes. But […]

January 15, 2021 ×


Commentary: How Leaders lead through COVID

Commentary: How Leaders lead through COVID

Daily life has changed in almost every way since the COVID pandemic began; however, the fundamentals of leadership have not. The common leadership pillars of communication, trust, and respect are still critical and require a little creative thinking during this very different time. I would argue they are needed even […]

December 18, 2020 ×


Commentary: Ramstein chaplains implement FaithWorks

Commentary: Ramstein chaplains implement FaithWorks

Nothing tests religious beliefs more than the situations our Airmen face throughout the course of their service. Providing pastoral care and counseling to those of faith, and those of no faith, Air Force chaplains are religious ministry professionals who support the spiritual resilience of our Airmen all over the world. […]

December 11, 2020 ×


Commentary: The Empowerment Imperative

Commentary: The Empowerment Imperative

In one of those “right place at the right time” moments, I was in the EUCOM Operations Center in April 2018 to witness the launch of a combined US and Allied missile strike on Syria in response to a Syrian chemical weapons attack on civilians. From this vantage point, I […]

December 4, 2020 ×


Leadership Thoughts

Leadership Thoughts

One of my favorite things about the military is our focus on people, which drives us to spend a lot of time developing others. I’ve picked up a lesson or two over the years and I try to pass on tidbits to my team to help them find their way […]

November 26, 2020 ×


Three questions for your journey

Three questions for your journey

I have the privilege of meeting with Airmen every day. Sometimes it is for joyful events such as promotions or awards, but other times it is for more deliberate counseling or course corrections. Whatever the circumstance, I find that the conversation eventually evolves to the point where I ask some […]

November 6, 2020 ×


Photo by Impact Photography/

Southside Gym no-shows: Why?

When the pandemic began, public places, such as the Southside Fitness Center, closed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

July 9, 2020 ×


A message from 86 AW Command Team on racism, discrimination

To the men and women of the 86th Airlift Wing and Team Ramstein:

Like many of you, Chief Rendon and I have been monitoring the wave of protests that have spread from Minneapolis, through the United States and across the world as citizens demand justice for the killing of George Floyd and an end to systemic racial discrimination.

June 4, 2020 ×