

Rules of the traffic circle

Rules of the traffic circle

Would it be possible to publish again the rules for the large traffic circle? It is my impression many people who use the circle do not appreciate that the inside lane has priority or will simply stay on the outside lane all the way around for fear of the inside lane.

October 14, 2005 ×


Give blood; send a lifeline

Maj. Jean Ruddell
88th Medical Group clinical laboratory

Take the time to donate blood when your base hosts a blood drive and send a lifeline to the troops.

October 14, 2005 ×


Proper prior planning prevents pitifully poor performance

Staff Sgt. Thomas Brick
332nd Expeditionary Contracting Squadron

As a young Boy Scout sitting in a junior leadership training class, I was taught something that sticks with me to do this day. The subject was the Seven Ps: Proper prior planning prevents pitifully poor performance. This phrase ties in very well with our day-to-day mission here.

October 14, 2005 ×


Jewish High Holy Days

Chaplain (Capt.) Don Levy
435th Air Base Wing Jewish Chaplain

Rosh Hashanah, meaning “head of the year,” is the Jewish celebration of the New Year. It is timed with the new moon of the lunar month of Tishri, because tradition says this is the anniversary of Creation.

October 7, 2005 ×


Muslims observe Ramadan

Chaplain (Capt.) Hamza Al-Mubarak
435th Air Base Wing Muslim Chaplain

As the month of Ramadan begins, Muslims in U.S. Airforces in Europe an U.S. Army, Europe join in the obligatory observance of fasting.

October 7, 2005 ×


Set the bar high

Lt. Col. Thomas Johnson
86th Operations Support Squadron commander

I have recently taken command of an incredibly talented unit, and am honored to be challenged with making it better. As with the Air Force and America as a whole, the unit I serve with draws much of its strength from diversity.

September 30, 2005 ×


Keep the spotlight on safety

Col. Kurt Lohide
435th Air Base Wing commander

Today we are taking a much needed

September 30, 2005 ×


You are not forgotten

Sept. 16 was POW/MIA day. Throughout the year, we remember and commemorate the lives of our fellow Airmen, Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and civilians, and reflect upon their extraordinary sacrifices made on behalf of this country.

September 23, 2005 ×


Disappointment – a matter of perspective

Disappointment, we all know it. And that weekend, I had a whopping dose of it.

September 23, 2005 ×


Southside gym parent/child room

Southside gym parent/child room

I am a frequent patron of the Southside Fitness Center and was recently informed of a policy with the parent/child room. From what I understand no one else other than parents that bring their children to the gym can utilize this room.

September 16, 2005 ×